It does one level of nesting with tab groups. Just drag one tab onto another to start.
It does one level of nesting with tab groups. Just drag one tab onto another to start.
99 percent invisible did an episode on it recently.
I don’t think that they’ve bombed the West Bank before. Just had mobs nip in and kill people and steal land.
It’s what bad guys in movies say when they hurt or kill someone because the protagonist didn’t do what they wanted. “This is your fault” “This blood is on your hands” “You made me do this”
Yeah, I get what they mean but it doesn’t work as written. They mean that it is “designed to fail as a measure to protect workers“
Wait! What?! We could have paid to “get control of our borders”? If we’d known that then maybe we’d still be in the EU.
I feel like scientists are like the boy that called wolf at this point with the number of warnings they give.
Except there’s always a wolf.
I don’t think that we are incapable of doing that. What we have done is a balancing act of assisting Ukraine against Russia without going to war with Russia.
If we were to have sent in troops from the start then it would be a completely different picture. I’m not sure that it would be a better picture though.
They want to look at how vaping is being marketed to kids to reduce the number starting to vape but they’re not changing the age restrictions as far as I know.
I would leave the house tidy and I’d clean any mess that I’d made (including washing the dishes) but I wouldn’t strip the beds or empty the bins unless asked.
It’s pretty common for Airbnb hosts to give you a list of chores to do. Empty the bins, clear the beds, gather the towels up etc.
They should have had two so that they could protect each other.
Or maybe that the UK has the power to ban guns in the USA? I think that might have been a struggle even before independence.
It wasn’t rigged it just didn’t match what the headline implied. It wanted to show that people who have recently been made homeless can recover from the bad situation if given the means to do so.
I hate that using “X happened after Y” to sensationalise an article by implying that one caused the other has become the norm now.
It’s difficult to say whether someone is wearing what they are wearing through choice or because it is demanded of them.
I agree with you, demanding that they wear something else is not the answer.
Also sellotape instead of sticky tape.
In the same way that a digger erodes the ground when digging a trench.
We have a cardboard cutout police officer in the lobby of some shops.