Ce să vă zic, mă, bine ați venit? bine ați venit, rău ați nimerit. La locu’ ăsta îi zice șerpărie, de la șerpii care umblă pe-aicea. Dracu’ știe cum au ajuns…

  • 1 Post
Joined 7 months ago
Cake day: July 6th, 2024

  • @alado just thought you wouldn’t like it or something, lol. I actually already deleted it on my end in Friendica, but seems like the request hasn’t reached this server yet lol.

    Yeah, tbh, my parents also lived in a brutal dictatorship, cut off from the rest of the world and lied by their totalitarian government. So I kinda understand that you are now the ones listening to Radio Free Europe with the volume low under a blanket, so-to-say.

    Peace and freedom to us all, indeed, and may the next Christmas get us another dictator at the firing squad!

  • @alado Oh, wow. I wasn’t expecting this. I just found it funny that the last free space out there was in Russia, haha. Now it all makes sense. If you want, I’ll delete my post.

    I do hope more free spaces will appear in Russia and things will cool down around the world!

    All the best, take care!

  • @superkret You mean who is going to support who in the runoff? Well, by the looks of it, it looks like all the democratic forces will either back Ciolacu or nobody. Simion and Georgescu will likely back each other, whoever comes in second, so it will basically look like Germany, sure.

    If Lasconi gets in the 2nd round instead, I’m expecting most of the other candidates to back her. Including the whole right (democratic or far-right - just to spite PSD, but there can be surprises as well).

    Just to get an idea, PSD never really lost a single election in its entire history. In the last (soon to be) 35 years since the 1989 Revolution, it spent the biggest time in power.

    PSD is the direct descendant of the former Communist Party, so it has a huge apparatus all over the country. There’s basically not a single village where PSD is not present. This is why in the 2000 elections it got a landslide result against far-right Corneliu Vadim Tudor. And this scenario might happen again.

  • @superkret

    So what happens in the second? Does every citizen go vote again between the 2 front-runners?

    Yes. If the first candidate doesn’t get a majority of the votes (which is likely to happen), there is a runoff between the first two.

    If the “lower” candidates all announced support for one of the 3 at the top, what would the likely percentage be then?

    I don’t think that would happen, as the ballots just closed, but I don’t think that could have happened either. It is also a risky thing to do altogether. One of the candidates announced right in the middle of the election debate that he would pull out of the race, but I saw a jump for the Liberals instead. There are no less than 13 (yes, lucky number) candidates on the list, so things can get pretty volatile.

  • @theangriestbird A bit anxious tbh, I did not expect Călin Georgescu to take up these many votes. However, the political offer as a whole is pretty poor. USR, while being a reformist party and with people with good intention, are pretty bad at communicating, and Lasconi makes no exception. Having her run against PSD and the various far-right offers makes it the only agreeable option, at least for me.

    Having watched this documentary about Iohannis and his last 10 years as a president makes me worry that if Lasconi and USR are not getting a majority of the seats in the parliament at the next elections, or are at least not able to form a coalition with other democratic forces (right-wing or not), we might be witnessing the last free (at least to a certain extent) elections in this country. That is, if these won’t be frauded either until the end of the count.