Shocked face… No surprise to anyone who has actually worked in that environment.
Shocked face… No surprise to anyone who has actually worked in that environment.
Lol, right. That’s laughable saying that china is fighting colonialism and not replacing it with their own version.
OpenAudible - because Audible cycles books in and out of the membership too fast and sometimes their phone app sucks.
Prairie dogs along the front range of Colorado, deer in the Colorado mountains…
I wouldn’t cap it but put in a Studor vent if there is a chance that you need more venting.
They make what is called a studor vent for this situation. Not sure if there are code restrictions for different areas. If allowed you can put them under sinks etc to get better venting of sewer lines.
I had instability in kde when an upgrade moved me away from the proprietary Nvidia drivers. Might be worth checking that.
Exactly the same story for me, the free Linux cost didn’t hurt either.
Looking forward to seeing some more answers from experts! I would also like to know more about how to choose a good bandsaw, I have been looking at getting a used one but prices are all over the place and I don’t know who makes a good one.
This aligns with what I have heard from folks I know in that world. Fear motivated by exaggerating one off and isolated incidents. The information silos in the conservative world (especially news) is frightening.