I don’t understand why is gate a suffix at all?
I don’t understand why is gate a suffix at all?
Can you explain it please?
Chill bro
Oh that’s pretty cool! Basically a better version of tldr?
Wait I did this to my main drive everything went black is this suposed to happen? will it start working again?
No nothing worked for me I think it’s pretty much a lost cause I’ll sell my old 6700xt and I might get an arc a770 It’ll be a good upgrade from my 1660 and it will be fun to try something new. It also has the most vram of any gpu for the price which will be good for running ai models.
Thanks for the reply and I will definitely use some of the less advanced options for now.
Thanks, I guess I will go with x11 with a tiling window manager, I’ve had enough of windows being on top of each other and I like the idea of using my mouse the least amount possible. One last question most apps and packages don’t support pacman sometimes the only option is to install with apt and you download a .dev file is there a way to get around this?
I thought rolling releases were still pretty stable to things really break that often?
Thats really cool thanks.
I just want to get a better understanding on linux and I think arch is the way to do it. I love computers and I want to know them well.
see this post for my experience with amd lol.
OP was specifically asking how to learn more about Linux. And it’s nearly unquestionable that OP is going to learn more about how Linux works if they use the lower-level tools rather than take-you-by-the-hand point-and-click-adventure programs your grandmother could probably figure out.
Yes I am op.
and thanks for the reply. So I guess I should just skip anything with a desktop environment like manjaro and just figure out how to install bare arch?
Like, to the parent directory of your home directory? cd … should always go to the parent directory of your current working directory. (/ is its own parent, I believe, so you can’t go any further up the chain than that.)
Yes cd ..
was what I was looking for thanks!
duck duck it
I use searx. Ok but seriously very helpful I will look into that.
Is bash ultimately better than dolphin or another file manager? I always thought that it just seamed slow having to read things out with no icons and having to type the filename instead of double clicking. And I have been avoiding installing applications through terminal because I can’t find how to properly uninstall them including all data (the fedora software center does this really easily) I have also had some trouble going further back that my user folder in the terminal I still havn’t figured out how to do that. Lastly what are some “user friendly by virtiue of having few moving parts” distro’s that you recommend?
I think I will try something like manjaro first see what it’s like and then move onto arch.
I am still dual booting because some games I play just don’t work properly but other than that I am doing everything I can on Linux.
That’s kind of awesome, thanks!
Yeah for sure, what is a link agrigater?