Well yes and no. It’s a way for foreign countries to launder their bribes. They “buy” the coins knowing he will get the money. The quasi-rug-pull part is him extracting the laundered money. Everyone, except his shit-head followers, understands this.
Well yes and no. It’s a way for foreign countries to launder their bribes. They “buy” the coins knowing he will get the money. The quasi-rug-pull part is him extracting the laundered money. Everyone, except his shit-head followers, understands this.
It’s crazy how they’ve grown.
Not crazy when you see the exact same thing for $8 on Temu that Amazon sells for $22 or a $150 item at Alibaba, that Amazon charges $239. Multiply that by the million and millions of purchases each day.
Given the foreign influences to weaken the U.S., media control of the news by corporations, gerrymandering and fox media disinformation, it’s not surprising. Biden could have cured cancer, eliminated world hunger and given free eggs to everyone and he would have still lost.
All corporate news has been moved to the right, even NPR. For all practical purposes, local news has been eliminated. Local news formed the basis for trust and truth. Getting you news at a local ground level creates trust - you may know the reporter or you kids go to school with his kids.
There is nothing wrong with news bias if you have sources that you can trust to report the truth and not omit critical information.
That said, seek out and listen to people like Timothy Snyder, who have important messages. Here’s a clip of him talking about how the internet has changed and corrupted our news and views.
I like listening to Belle of the Ranch, because she succinctly explains important topics that the MSM does not - note she does present views from a more leftist angle.
Steve Shives is a Youtuber does not report the news but offers opinion that might inspire you to do further research.
Finding good reliable news sources takes work, while junk news is cheap, readily available and detrimental to you.
Eliminating CEOs would be the best use of AI.
Tired of 14 YO “experts” and trolls.
Learn stuff, don’t eat processed foods and get exercise - gardening and foraging are good places to start for most people. Stay far away from negative, manipulative and lying people.
You can bet western countries already have troops and advisors helping in Ukraine.
There are people who are still in congress who had polio.
Stay tune. We are headed that way.
Love will conquer all the hatred
Not only that, but the hatred on the right will consume them. Sit back, lay low, don’t participate and let the fools burn themselves. Opposition will only give them targets to blame for their failures.
This is not new.
Major General Smedley Darlington Butler, “The Man Who Saved America.”, hands down. He single-handedly defeated a fascist overthrow of the U.S. government in 1933. AKA, the Devil Dog. He is not in history books because fascist are still in control.
You mean this dossier?
So, nothing new on the right wing scene - up is down, right is wrong - “Gray had threatened a mass shooting, posting an image of a family holding signs showing support for their trans daughter, and writing, “I need to put an end to that. … im on the edge of a lgbtq massacre.””
Seems that people have been persuaded to vote against their own self interests for too long. Maybe they should try to be informed about this issue, and vote.
Well, yeah, thanks to Fox entertainment.
This is the utopia of capitalism.
we’re getting closer to battery revolution
If big oil doesn’t buy up the patent and squirrel it away.
One BIG thing to consider is that in other countries citizens weren’t nearly as well armed as the U.S.