It would work if the US made stuff. We don’t.
They’re simply isn’t a manufacturing base. It was disassembled and sent overseas over two decades ago.
It would work if the US made stuff. We don’t.
They’re simply isn’t a manufacturing base. It was disassembled and sent overseas over two decades ago.
He doesn’t know how tariffs work.
Those countries don’t pay the tariffs. We do.
Dumbass is literally just making stuff more expensive for Americans. It’s only worth it if you’re trying to protect national industries.
But barely any companies make anything here anymore.
Good. Hopefully it collapses before they plant a bunch of land mines everywhere.
You don’t seize an airplane when it’s not your country or property. You are just stealing.
US stole an airplane belonging to the head of state of a sovereign nation.
Druze town. I am Druze and this sucks.
Our group got hit with this today. We don’t have a choice. If you want to run Windows, you have to install this software.
It’s why stuff like this is so crippling. Individual organizations within companies have to follow corporate mandates, even if they don’t agree.
Back when there were “mom and pop” AirBnb, maybe this was a bad thing. Now, a huge number of rentals are owned by companies with big portfolios specializing in short term rentals.
It’s become a really big problem in certain cities.
I don’t see this as a bad thing.
They could, but they won’t.
Finland has a history of fascism.
Many countries worried about declining populations could just… allow more immigrants. But most of them won’t, at least not voluntarily.
This could be a good thing. The monopoly Microsoft and the x86 architecture have had on computing has hampered new development for decades.
China is experimenting with different architectures and open source OS’s. It’ll be very interesting to see where this leads.
And slavery. Don’t forget the slavery.
In fact, because of the wording of the 14th amendment, it’s still cool. As long as you get locked up for committing a crime first.
NATO shouldn’t even exist. The whole purpose for it has long since passed.