Do they ever get old? Looking at the picture, its like never changing
Do they ever get old? Looking at the picture, its like never changing
If NATO approves it, Russian will probably fire more than enough missles on Ukraine, far more then last time. NATO havs no limit if its about sacrificing human life to achieve their goals.
Absolutely forgot “Arbeit macht frei”
“Freedom Gas”
The US way of pretending to be the good guys: Put freedom on everything. Freedom Gas, Freedom Fries, Freedom Toast, Liberty Cabbage. I will now pretend that the letter F in F-16 stands also for Freedom. I am waiting for Freedom Tanks, Freedom Missiles, Freedom Warships and Freedom Nuclear Annihilation. Freedom World War, Freedom Genocide, Freedom Fascism.
Fascist parties have by the way the weird tendency to put Freedom in their name or something with liberal:
Soooo much freedom that I don’t even know what freedom actually is anymore
At least they eat meat. I cant afford it anymore, I dont have that much money. In the meantime some petite-bourgeois and prolterian aristocrat fuckers can eat what they want :(
Is this panda for real? That’s a cute panda.
“The main problem is the survival instinct of newcomers. Before, people could stand until the last moment to hold the position. Now, even when there is light shelling of firing positions, they are retreating,”
Who could expect this, people want to survive. Jesus, those soldiers are dragged into this war. You probably know of those videos how Ukrainian joung men are captured straight in a public are and forced to come with them, so they can register.
We are not talking about your usual right wing Ukrainian squad, but ordinary young people, who would rather flee then give their life for this war. Now blaming them for their survival instinct (!!!) is cynical.
Its odd. While speaking of Moscow, Kiev, Warsaw, Washington or Paris is common as an alias for the country itself, “Kremlin” is weird. A kremlin is a fortified complex. You have a kreml in Nowgorord, Smolensk etc. Just historic buildings.
However, the document that has now been adopted stipulates that Ukraine will not recognize the jurisdiction of the Criminal Court for war crimes for seven years when it comes to Ukrainian citizens. This is due to the army’s fears that its actions in the fight against Russian forces could in some cases be charged as war crimes.
As I commentwd in another post. They have a free pass now. Cosplay time is over. That’s your morality of the west.
Ukrania is still claiming that this was Russia lol
The fact that Himars missile launchers were used indicates that the advance was coordinated with the USA. Normally, the target coordinates are always agreed with the Americans beforehand.
Ukraine could look like an unreliable go-getter. Berlin and Washington would reduce their support.
I didn’t expect more from the US. Yes, you are absolutely allowed to use our missle launchers to attack Russian territory, please do so! What you failed? We won’t support you anymore.
Slava shock therapy 2.0
The photo emerged exactly as the lawyers had submitted it — with Mr. Baluchi’s genital area covered by a black box “to preserve his dignity,”
Sadly his dignity couldn’t be preserved when he was tortured for years without any perspective to make it out alive. This whole setup is criminal in its core. Look what the US can do with people which are not even US citizens.
This remembers me about the case of Murat Kurmaz somehow. He was born in Germany, went to a school in Germany and worked there. After September 2001 he was on trip to Pakistan to study Islam. When he went back to an airport back to Germany, Pakistani police captured and sold him for $3000 to the US. Germany haven’t even show any Interest into him, but it was known that he is not guilty of anything.
It is wild how the militarisation of Germany is going on
In a war, information about own and enemy losses is always questionable. Relying solely on Russian or Ukrainian sources does not lead to the true picture. In war, one’s own losses are always underestimated, while the enemy’s are overestimated.
Things are getting more and more interesting
He indeed has done more then anybody. Supporting genocide is also something you can do.
What do you mean, capitalists only want to accumulate their capital? I am total shocked and shaking right now, because now one could know it. Probably the CIA found it out, they find everything out, I tell you! Do you think capitalist would also sell to someone the strick with which they will hanged? I have to take medicine daily now, because my golden heart, my golden bourgeois fat heart is aching so much.
While I prefer YouTube more, RuTube is maybe a good way to learn russian. Has anyone experience with that? Like, can I watch channels for children (ideal for learning a language) even if I not in Russia or is there something like geoblock?