Time to remake an internet classic: the internet is for lies now, not porn.
Time to remake an internet classic: the internet is for lies now, not porn.
I’ve written a couple of replies, deleted them, wrote some more, and deleted those and then debated replying at all but finally came up with what I think I want to say that doesn’t come across as being an absolute raging asshole.
TBH, that kind of response is a good portion of why I’m tired of trying to engage. I’m perfectly willing to use my privilege in any way that’s going to actually make a meaningful difference, but frankly nobody can provide a useful thing. It’s just neoliberal snark that I’m just plain not doing enough and really should be doing better, without any useful guidance into what I should be doing than the typical usual crap that comes out of neolibs.
It’s always just ‘go vote!’ (which I’ve done, and will continue to do), or ‘call your senator!’ (which I have and is utterly worthless), or maybe ‘don’t buy things on this day because that’ll show them!’ (it won’t), or even the always popular ‘go protest!’. Which again, I have, but showing up with 25 other people is not going to be something anyone in power cares about, at all.
If anyone has an actually useful impactful thing to do, I’m all ears, but frankly, I’ve yet to hear anything that strikes me as likely to actually either effect change, preserve something, or otherwise improve anyone’s life more than me getting focused on myself, friends, and family.
Yeah I figured that’s what you were trying to figure out, since I 100% went through the same thought process, lol.
I just bought a Mac Mini instead of moving to Linux on the desktop, and am pretty happy with the outcome (everything works) but that’s not a solution for everyone.
I can answer your question: Resolve are very clear that Intel iGPUs are not supported in Linux, at all, because the Intel Linux drivers do not support some features they require.
Free version, paid version: doesn’t matter, it’s not supported hardware right now. Not even the new ARC cards are, because it’s a software issue Intel has to fix.
Ran into this when looking at moving to Linux and there’s not a solution for it.
Well, so far it’s been pretty clear we’re willing to let lots of school children get shot and are willing to blame ANYTHING but the state of mental health care in this country, so I’d have to say that we’re not very good discussing this, or doing anything about it.
It’s a combination of the old British stiff upper lip, the American belief in rugged individualism, and a whole lot of just plain burying our heads in the sand.
…Also mental health coverage by insurance is usually not very good. You can typically get coverage to see a psychiatrist to get drugs for whatever ails you, but seeing a psychologist is a lot more iffy usually. Have to find one that takes your insurance, assuming your insurance pays for it at all, and even if it does pay for it you usually have some sort of visit limit, so hopefully whatever your issue is can be sorted out in 10 visits or whatever, so good luck god bless thoughts and prayers.
Do some people? Sure. There’s more than a few sects of evangelicals that are all in on the end of the world.
But, frankly, outside of certain religious sects and/or cults, I strongly doubt it’s all that widespread.
Even the preppers I know don’t want it to collapse, they’re just aware that society is fragile and is more likely than not going to collapse - knowing something is likely to happen and preparing for it is very very different than hoping for it.
I’m terminally doomer, but even I don’t really think that the “world is ending” is a likely outcome, even if the worst of everything possible happens.
The question, for me, has always not been ‘will humans die out’ so much as ‘can we stop squabbling over stupid shit long enough we don’t all die’.
Also, isn’t the preferred nomenclature actually a ‘m’lord’?
Perhaps I’ve misunderstood something.
No, it’s not. At this point, it’s entirely clear that 1/3rd of the country is terminally stupid, 1/3rd is too lazy to do anything about the terminally stupid, and 1/3rd too busy screaming at each other over purity tests to do anything to convince the lazy that they shouldn’t default-allow the stupid to lead everything.
I’ve reached a point where, frankly, I don’t care anymore. This year is going to be about me, and frankly, screw whatever other people want or think.
I’ve done some minor things: I carry now, got a motorcycle license and a bike, am spending rather a lot more time and energy around getting laid.
Long term, though, I cannot see a way that the US is going to survive in it’s current state, and I also cannot forsee me ending up as involved in things as I have been becasue it’s absolutely crystal clear that unless we magic up a way to solve stupid and lazy, this is going to be the default going forward.
And, just for clarity here: the ‘default’ does include Team Blue winning the occasional election, because it’s basically just being told the Stage 4 cancer that’s going to kill you is in remission, but probably only for 2 or 4 years and at random intervals. At some point the cancer WILL kill you, and the occasional moment of pauses in the destruction are not saving anyone or anything.
And yes, I know this is absolutely coming from a position of privilege: I may be gay, but I’m also white, cis, and can absolutely pass as straight, and while not being rich, I have a house, a reasonable nest egg, and the absolute unqualified glorious privilege of not needing to work 40 hour weeks to pay my bills.
But, well, I’ve paid for that privilege over the last decade of working 60 hour weeks, and I cannot see any reason why I shouldn’t exploit the shit out of it and stop making some corpo shareholder richer while I sit there stressed and upset over shit that does not matter. (I worked in IT: none of it matters, at all.)
Thanks for posting this.
Re-started my archiveteam warrior stack and shoved it onto this project.
I’d argue that using dummy account is mandatory, not a preferrential choice.
If you have a phone on you with ANY of your personal data on it and a cop takes it, you should simply assume every single thing that the phone could access will end up in the hands of the proescutors to use against you.
Don’t log in to ANY accounts that have ANY personal data on a phone you’re taking to a protest, and sure as shit don’t log in to any account that have ANY political/sociologial discussions or plans that could be used to paint you in a bad light in court.
Make new accounts for everything, and only install and log in to the very very bare minimum. This includes using your google or apple account when you set the phone up, too: google and apple have an enormous amount of data about you and if they get a subpoena for it, and there’s anything anywhere that might be damning, you can bet it’ll get used against you.
(As a side note: don’t use anything electronic to do illegal shit either, because your other accounts could also be subpoenaed if the cops have reason to think your real google account has what they need, and most JPs will just rubber-stamp shit cops ask for anyways. If you MUST do illegal things do not use electronic devices. Meet in person, don’t make notes/videos/recordings/post it on tiktok/wahtever.)
Well since they seem at least ambivilant on linux, perhaps not?
(Kidding, kidding.)
Maybe planet fitness can put it next to the free donuts?
what does the cid come up as when calling a landline with name&number cid? just ‘wireless’ and number or somesuch like some cell phones, the billing name (like others–what we don’t want. we use a line as a business line), or can you customize the names that show up with the number?
I have no idea, tbh.
I went to try to test, but it turns out I don’t know ANYONE with a landline phone anymore, so uh, I can’t.
I’m still on the trusting-the-banks: I have a lot of money in the largest banks in the US, and if they fail, we’re all fucked: if BoA and Chase and Citibank collapse, we’re all going to back to growing our own food on family plots and you’ll want a donkey and 10 acres more than anything else.
To that end, I’m spending a lot of money on what amounts to chickens, seeds, canned/preserved food, and bullets.
I mean, I may not need 5 years of seeds, and what’s close to a year’s worth of not-great-but-not-starving food stores, and enough ammo to clear out the 100 acre woods, buuuuut if you do need it, better you have it.
The problem is for people who have more than $500 to save somewhere: if I put half my assets in crypto, we’re talking north of $600,000.
I do not trust a bunch of people who think computer-generated monkey pictures are neat with great big piles of money, and until they stop acting like a cross between the stupidest shit you’ve ever heard and a poverty-spec casino, it’s not gonna fucking happen.
So yeah, I still trust the banking system more than I do putting it into even something like ETH or BTC, even if I’m doing self-custody, because I don’t trust a single player that’s involved will do anything other than immediately collapse if it reaches the point where crypto becomes more useful than real money and people start trying to pull usable money out of their portfolios.
If I can’t pay my bills and buy food, then I might as well have just invested in shiny pebbles.
Bezos has stolen all the lightbulbs in order to slightly increase shareholder value.
When I was a wee kid, I thought that scene from the Matrix where Morpehus explains that humans destroyed the whole damn planet just to maybe slow down the machines was stupid.
I mean if you block the sun, we’re all going to fucking die, why would you do something that stupid?
Yeah, well, the last few years has shown that actually at least half the people on the planet would be pro-kill-everything, even if that includes themselves.
So really, this take isn’t remotely shocking anymore.
Yeah that’s basically the same conclusion I reached: it’s perfectly cromulent until you run into something you need that it won’t do, and then there’s absolutely no way to make it work, period.
A lot of the final decision was based primarily around the fact that I just was not invovled in what friends and family members were doing, because I had become a pain in the ass to contact and so people just… didn’t.
Oh I wasn’t saying to not, I was just saying make sure you’re aware of what recovery entails since a lot of raid controllers don’t just write bytes to the disk and can, if you don’t have spares, make recovery a pain in the ass.
I’m using MD raid for my boot SSDs and yeah, the install was a complete pain in the ass since the debian installer will let you, but it’s very much in the linux sense of ‘let you’: you can do it, but you’re figuring it out on your own.
No, having to live here is really the only thing you need to have in order to care about making the place not a shithole.