One of the many, many different forms of voter suppression. Done your time? Somehow become rehabilitated in our awful prison system? Fuck it, you’re still a voiceless space-taking non-citizen until you die
One of the many, many different forms of voter suppression. Done your time? Somehow become rehabilitated in our awful prison system? Fuck it, you’re still a voiceless space-taking non-citizen until you die
If anyone else read this headline and thought about how busy the ACLU is going to be this term, here is the page where you can provide financial support.
I’m sure the Dems will get around to round 3 after the midterms, but unless there’s a staggeringly large blue wave, it’s not going to go anywhere that time either.
An LGBT person might decide that’s an acceptable risk if it allows them the chance to deter or prevent violence against them from the increased number of empowered bigots walking around in Trump’s America
Can’t comment on the rest, but the NC gubernatorial race is pretty obvious. The GOP nominated an anti-trans blowhard who turned out to also be crooked, perverted, racist, and pro-slavery. He was trailing in the polls before the CNN piece about him.
The GOP basically set out to find just how low they could go with a candidate and finally found the bar. Black Nazis are apparently that bar.
Okay, as someone who has been to a number of kink events, I’ll ask, what would you consider sexual? I’ve seen people go heavy into sub space with zero genital stimulation. The subs I see generally play naked, but it’s more about the psychological aspect of being exposed/removing barriers rather than tittilation.
Whether those subs would argue their experience was sexual or not? I think that really depends on the sub.
Especially considering the samples were exposed to supergravity as the plane came out of its dive. I feel like that would mostly invalidate whatever they were hoping to find.
Also, why do they dismiss asking ISS staff to participate in studies? Bodily autonomy doesn’t mean you can’t ask someone to conduct … uh… research with you. It just means you have to respect it they say no. Astronauts seem like the types who wouldn’t mind putting in a little extra effort for… science.
I think it’s a roundabout attempt to get us to wonder what the fuck Kick is. I’m not that curious.
Jesus, why did I click around in there? I want to pity them for being so pathetic, but they’re being pathetic in the most aggravating way. This game is woke because it’s got a black man and an Asian man in it. That game is woke because it refers to the faceless protagonist with they/them pronouns.
What’s sad is I’m sure there are some people engaging in that forum as a form of satire and Poe’s law is in full effect so we will never know who is who.
If you have the port and money for it, I’d recommend a separate drive for the second OS. Windows is kinda notorious for stomping over GRUB if you rely on partitions for your dual boot.
If you’re worried about installing to the wrong drive on accident, you can always physically disconnect the existing drive until install is complete, then plug it back in and set the boot order in the mobo config.
To clarify, the FTC is being urged to craft this regulation. They have not recently urged for this regulation. Gotta love the English language.
1, given to me in a Secret Santa exchange. I’m not following the connection you’re trying to make between a goofy action movie and a toy line.
Out of curiosity, how old are you? I hold up Scott Pilgrim as the Fast Times at Ridgemont High of my generation (older millennials). I could see it not hitting the same for older and newer gens.
Of course it’s a perfectly valid opinion even if we are in the same gen. I’m sure Fast Times had its detractors, too
It was hugely freeing for me to realize this. I didn’t really care for Death Proof and I absolutely hated Inglorious Bastards. My friends thought I was crazy. After loving Kill Bill and everything I had seen before it, I thought Tarantino had just gotten too far up his own ass. Then Django came out and was just fun and cathartic and I realized I just needed to take each project as it came
My work laptop is a brick until it establishes a VPN tunnel back to the home network. There are ways to ensure the device only works how the company wants it to.
Bro, a real bro doesn’t ask these questions.
I highly recommend one with a heated seat if you’ve got a reasonably accessible power outlet nearby. Just be aware that it will totally spoil you and make pooping away from home even less fun than it already is.
I have an ex with the same name as one of my sisters. You do that once, and it gets confusing and awkward. Twice? People start coming to really odd conclusions.
Yeah, I haven’t been clean shaven since I could first pull off a beard. Last time I saw my naked face was 15 years ago.
That said, I have started to put more effort into my beard to try to keep up with trends. Growing it out, oiling it, shaping the edges. It’s fun, but I still find myself trimming it down after too long just to make it easier to manage.
Yeah, my first thought was sleep apnea. If OP sleeps alone, there are phone apps that will record and analyze the sounds you make through the night. This can be a good precursor to getting a doctor’s opinion.