That could be useful… Find more X person/stuff…
That could be useful… Find more X person/stuff…
Or, you say “i am the google web crawler”, which they let past the paywall so it can be added to google.
If I’m not wrong, Google has a set range of IP addresses for their crawlers, so not all sites will let you through just because your UA claims to be Googlebot
I’ve installed Libreoffice but Linux has spoilt me as Windows needs a damn reboot to use it properly.
You’re either exaggerating or it’s a problem with LibreOffice.
They got a service provider to let its users browse Facebook for free, but that was banned a year later for being unfair. It’s still a thing in other developing counties I guess.
Santa Satya Claus
Kids that age certainly know how to use a lot of apps, but only in the walled gardens these apps allow them. It’s going to be generations of kids only exposed to very curated experiences that companies what them to know.
bUt iF iSRaEl wAntEd a GEnOcIDe wHY WOulD tHE DeATh cOUnT bE So LoW?
On example cited by Apple is Safari’s sidebar feature on iPadOS and macOS, allowing users to see opened tabs, tab groups, bookmarks, and browsing history. Since this feature is unavailable in the version of Safari for iOS, Apple claimed that it is a distinctly different browser.
Sounds like an Israeli talking point. Show us the sources for your claims?
That’s how you imagine yourself as. Realistically it just feels like a mask has slipped of your face and a lot of people in the world realised you aren’t the oppressed anymore.
I thought its a typo for program or something, turns out it’s a real word:
A pogrom is a violent riot incited with the aim of massacring or expelling an ethnic or religious group
It’s a problem if big corp doesn’t support linux. It’s a problem if big corp supports linux.
It may not make it better, but its an argument against the validity of your shower thought.
Everything else has a huge dependency on environmental factors (wind, sunlight, water) or storage resources which are harmful to scale up without safety consideration.
He’s even bought their oranges.
What part of ‘only women’ means ‘everyone’?
Arming themselves worked for the Black Panthers. All of a sudden they weren’t such easy targets for their cowardly abusers.
In this case the victim was lured by her female “friend”.
Ah ok, very convincing, can’t debate that.
Sounds a lot like qanon folks, I can’t give you sources, you have to do your own research!
Wow, can you share credible evidences to back up all this?
People think of Jesus as an avatar, like god playing a computer game on earth. So in that sense Jesus is video game god.
That sounds conceptually similar to Hinduism, where most of the Gods are avatars of a few Gods, appearing in different places/eras
Pretty much everyone I know has a pirated copy unless it’s in an enterprise setting or pre-installed with the hardware.
Been the case since Windows 98, might be longer too.