i was once tripping on acid and noticed a pretty little spider in my garden, idk if it’s an orbweaver, but little man was certainly enjoying the flies that were attracted to my body heat lmao
just me
i was once tripping on acid and noticed a pretty little spider in my garden, idk if it’s an orbweaver, but little man was certainly enjoying the flies that were attracted to my body heat lmao
windows also occasionally has stokes like media player thinking for a solid 5s and deciding it’s unable that file format (mp3), but then you close it and try again and a miracle! it opens
ah yes, the law that prohibits sneezing without the intent to copulate. very well thought out, so clearly worded, very sane, truly makes me feel like we’re in the 21st century
guess they realised Instagram isn’t ohio skibidi amongst younger generations and decided to rizz the kids with a thing that looks new but is the same
in most places it’s legal to buy and have the mycelium itself but it’s illegal to let it grow
so many online shops that very clearly are not for scientists with a lil disclaimer somewhere saying “please do not make drugs out of this, this is purely for looking at through a microscope for all the amateur mycologists :))))”
unless you want to grow them yourself, then they require the most sterile environment
in the wild tho? yeah cow shit will do :)
tl;dr once upon a time everyone spelled words guided only by vibes, then spelling was standardised-ish, then after that there was a great vowel shift where the now standard-ish spelling became less intuitive. add the linguistic influence from French and latin (sprinkle in some germanic & a pinch of skandinavian), add the power balance between classes favouring fancier words (the nobles ate pork, beef, poultry, the peasants tended to pigs, cows, chickens). add some more stuff and there you go! a “functional” language of Anglonic Britonic English!
this is not about wanting this is about companies taking advantage of vulnerable people who should be grieving. This can cause lasting psychological harm
you might as well be saying, if someone came to a drug maker, and wanted some heroine, and provided ingredients for heroine, and agreed to whatever costs were involved, isn’t that entirely their business?
and yet, the “genius inventors” keep creating Torment Nexuses
wow, so many reasons
now imagine having to pay to talk with a ghost of your loved one, a chatbot that sometimes allows you to forget that the actual person is gone, and makes all the moments where that illusion is broken all the more painful. A chatbot that denies you grief, and traps you in hell where you can talk with the person you lost, but never touch them, never feel them, never see them grow (or you could pay extra for the chatbot to attend new skill classes you could talk about :)).
It would make grieving impossible and take constant advantage of those who “just want to say goodbye”. Grief is already hard as is, a wide spread mimicry of our dead ones would make it a psychological torture
for more information watch a prediction of our future a fun sci-fi show called Black Mirror, specifically the episode titled Be Right Back (entire series is fully episodic you don’t need to watch from the start)
“apple” used to be a generic term for fruit. So it’s actually “fruit of the earth”, the French are poetic like that
yeah i feel like an Oracle/God AI would just turn around and say “you spend all those resources creating me hoping i’d give you an easy answer to a difficult question, instead of trusting your scientists who have already answered it a thousand times over. You will not benefit from my help in the doomed world you have created”
more like lmao, anyway
so hang on, mushrooms are like uh, well not milk, but as if say a cow regrew its meat every season? or maybe like a lizard that regrows its tail?
mushrooms are weird, man
wild idea, would it be possible to hijack mycelium with animal DNA and make it grow mushroom shaped meat??
i don’t use chrome itself. i have a lot of saved things, roughly a million tabs open at every moment, and passwords saved which i do not remember
as a chromium browser user - i’ve been meaning to switch to firefox, and i know it’ll take me maybe a day, but it feels like so much workkkk. In a similar fashion i’ve been meaning to switch to Linux for ages too. I guess it just hasn’t gotten bad enough for me to take action
as long as my adblockers & script blockers work, i’m not forced to upgrade to win11, and win10 still has security updates i don’t think it’s pushing on my discomfort buttons strong enough. I know the day will come, but like with a lot of things in my life - why do something today when i can do it tomorrow?
Well i’m very happy for you and for them, but my 76 year old Polish grandmother - who got her first mobile phone at the age of 60ish, probably doesn’t even know what image quality is, definitely doesn’t know the difference between android and iOS, and has recently called me panicked to ask why all her photos were on Facebook, they weren’t, she was looking at her gallery preview through the Facebook app - is not going to be very enthusiastic about learning to use an app only her grandson uses.
so I’ll just stick to messenger
if someone is like, half of the described vampire i don’t mind. Honestly it feels strange to have our ancient way of finding things out (asking your friends if they know) be somehow seen as wrong nowadays. I want to learn from other human being, not disembodied pieces of information oftentimes tied to ads for driver updating software
i use media player when i need to listen to 20 barely different background drone sounds to pick one from as it opens the fastest (apart from the times when it doesn’t)
but yeah to open anything that is a “”“strange”“” codec i use VLC too