Tea is broth. You remove the solids.
Matcha might count as soup, though.
Tea is broth. You remove the solids.
Matcha might count as soup, though.
A perpetual license doesn’t mean the company supports it forever; you know that, right? I have a copy of Quickbooks 2015 that I got the license key for from a closing company for about $25. I will never have to pay another dime for it, it’s a perpetual license and will run indefinitely. I just don’t get any updates at all, and I can’t run anything that requires updates or subscriptions like payroll or advanced features. But that’s absolutely fine for my purposes and works the same for many, many people. This is how things should be - if I’m fine with using an outdated version, there is zero reason I need a subscription license.
Please listen to this dude
Piss flavored dick is disgusting, as I learned from experience with an ex 🤮
Because it’s only fraud if a normal person makes money from it, duh 🤪
I think you’re misunderstanding me. I’m talking about the change in the regulating body now allowing the teams, or at least the countries sponsoring them, to make their own choices. It used to be that the regulating body enforced skimpy bikinis, and now they don’t. That’s progress. Individual teams using that choice to be shitty in no way undermines that progress. Less people being forced to do or wear things against their will, better judgement, or desire is always better, even if there’s still progress to be made.
And this is tangential and I don’t really wish to get into an argument over it, but I have to point out that the logic of “well they knew what they were getting into so they by default consented to it” is really fucking terrible logic. Here, make the choice between being objectified so you can continue competing, or give up your dreams to maintain your dignity! What the fuck kind of choice is that? That’s coercion hiding behind choice. That’s one step below “have sex with me or you’re fired”. Fuck that noise.
The commenter I replied to said, “when there isn’t a choice, it’s repression”. This goes the other way, too. When the volleyball teams didn’t have the choice to cover up because the regulating body enforced “less than 10cm coverage” - which is a fact, this is a thing they did until recently - it’s just as bad. No woman should be forced to wear more or less clothing than they want. My comment was specifically in reference to the change in rules by the governing body allowing teams to come to their own decisions regarding appropriate uniform. Will some teams enforce regulations that are also bad? Yes, but progress is progress. A smaller group of people being forced to follow shitty regulations is always better than a huge group of people being forced to follow shitty regulations. That individual teams do not allow choice in no way undermines the progress of the regulating body.
Ok but like, how is it any better to force them to wear skimpy bikinis they don’t want to wear? Is it not better for the regulating body to offer choice to everyone, rather than enforcing coverage or non-coverage that will inevitably upset someone?
I mean, how about my boring example from work the other day? I wanted to double check whether priority mail had guaranteed delivery timeframes before telling a customer that they did not and if she needed something by a specific day she should use UPS. When I searched “is priority mail delivery date guaranteed”, the first real answer, from USPS’s website, was a resounding no, just like I thought. Guess what Google’s AI told me? “Priority mail is a guaranteed service, so you can choose it knowing that your package will be delivered on the projected date.”
It’s fucking stupid. It’s wrong. It should not be at the top of search results.
Just a humble midwestern tea snob 😆
My mom was into True Blood for a little bit when it first came out, probably because she was trying to fill a Buffy-shaped hole in her entertainment and TB was close enough, lol. She bought me the first novel for Christmas one year and I very quickly donated it, it was so fucking bad. She asked me if she could borrow it, got mad when I told her I’d donated it already, and then sad when I told her it would ruin her enjoyment of the show by being complete and utter trash xD
Oh, interesting! I may have to give the series a shot, then - I pretty much hate-read the books, hoping at first that he would get better and then later hoping that someone would just fucking kill him lol
Depends entirely on the tea, but, if black: at home it’s usually hot, with a half to a full teaspoon of raw sugar and a splash of milk. At work it’s usually just hot and straight, no sugar or milk. If green: hot, sometimes honey and lemon, usually just straight. If herbal: hot or chilled depending on the temp outside, no sugar if hot, a bit of sugar if chilled.
I drink a lot of fuckin tea.
Creative entrepreneur. Center screen is for whatever I’m currently working on, be that product design, our website, emailing clients or suppliers, research, whatever. Right screen will have relevant reference material for whatever is on the center screen. Left screen is for music controls/discord, but it’s also a drawing tablet for any time I need to drop the mouse and start hand-drawing for design work, at which point the music and chat move to the right screen.
Amalfi, Italy. My great grandpa was born there, though he immigrated with his family to the US pretty young.
Are you making the joke I think you’re making, or am I just exposing myself for the dirty heathen I am?
Who’s the artist? This has excellent composition and I’d like to see their other works.
Clip Studio Paint has mostly taken over the small time/independent illustration industry, unless you’ve got an ipad and use procreate. Krita seems ok, too, though after testing both briefly I preferred CSP.
This is different because, to a certain extent, people in the public eye can expect, anticipate, and react to/suppress this kind of thing. They have managers and PR people who can help them handle it in a way that doesn’t negatively affect them. Billy’s 13 year old classmate Stacy doesn’t have those resources and now he can do the same thing to her. It’s on a very different level of harm.
Artist has been making banks nervous for at least 12 years now. Probably longer tbh but I can’t be arsed to find an older source
Ooh, valid question! I think I have to say yes, because traditional dumplings weren’t filled the way most are today, they were just a boiled or fried starch. Tapioca starch is mixed with boiling water to create boba, so, if you have a boba tea, that becomes soup again because you have added dumplings to your broth.