Thank you for the explanation.
I did notice that they said HDMI/DP but didn’t really put two and two together to understand that it was for each port. Makes more sense now.
Also didn’t know what the starship/Matisse was either.
Thank you for the explanation.
I did notice that they said HDMI/DP but didn’t really put two and two together to understand that it was for each port. Makes more sense now.
Also didn’t know what the starship/Matisse was either.
That is really shady. Unless you live in a rent controlled apartment I’d be curious if they even have legal recourse if you used another provider unless there was damage to the apartment.
You could probably force the complex to let you use whatever provider you wanted as long as the infrastructure (conduits in the ground etc) is there and it probably is. But I would likely be a very annoying fight.
More than likely they are getting a kickback from the ISP to inform users that they are the only option.
We have a (kind of) similar situation here. Our complex has these devices installed by the local electric company that turns our water heater on and off on some randomized schedule that is claimed to be based off of our usage and the local time. We were never told about this device and it’s not in our contract. On top of that, the property management group gets a kickback for every one that is installed in a unit.
We don’t have the most stable schedules (random schedules, night shift, day shift, etc) so of course the device couldn’t figure it’s shit out and was just shutting our water heater off at different times. I had to call the power company to have them disable it.
There has been a history of corporate things like this happening where providers do shady shit, kinda like gangs having their own territory and “agreements” not to sell dope in each other’s area to keep their profits stable and not mess with each other or whatever other reasoning it may be.
My point is, there is more than likely some shady business practices going on between the ISPs and the property management.
Why does your apartment management have a say in it?
If there are other providers in the area then you likely already have lines running to your place and shouldn’t need their sign off on it.
Similar SF story, down at Fisherman’s Wharf, during COVID, two people on the sidewalk just getting it on lol.
I figured it out.
I was already headed the right direction by using something like this…
<button text=“Hold Enter” ontap=“enterhold” ondoubletap=“enterrelease” />
But for whatever reason it seems to ignore a double tap to release it, maybe I’m just too slow on tapping lol. I changed it to onhold=“enterrelease” and it works like intended.
Coulda just flew to Oregon for that one lol. You can catch them up on haystack rock.
I bet it was still an awesome experience you had none the less.
Panay monitor lizard.
My buddy was trapping monitor lizards for us to eat and we caught one of those. He recognized it and told me that they were endangered.
We did NOT eat it. It went back into the forest, unharmed.
I just downloaded rufus and a mint iso, here’s a couple screen grabs.
Launch rufus, and plug in your usb stick, it should show up under device.
From there click select on the right side. Browse to where you have the ISO you got from the linux mint website and select it.
Once you get back to the other screen hit start.
You shouldn’t need to mess with any settings unless you are using secure boot.
Once that’s done, you should restart and boot from the USB stick. Depending on the model of your laptop there are different methods to get into the bios to change the settings to allow booting from usb. If it goes into grub mode it will look like a command prompt with a few selections. Just hit enter on the first option and it will boot into the live usb.
Once you are in the live usb mode, it’s basically all gui to install, test, etc.
Nowadays the terminal stuff is not really needed for basic use, so you should be able to get spun up pretty easy.
The process is actually simple.
It can be a little daunting at first because it’s new, but don’t let that discourage you. You can mostly ignore the whole mirrors thing, just pick one that is geographically close to you to hopefully get a better download speed. Outside of that, all the mirrors lead to the same file just in a different physical location.
Installing another software to make a bootable drive. You can use Rufus, which has a portable version so there’s no need to install it. I put a link below, there’s one in the downloads list that says portable.
There are plenty of step by step tutorials out there, however since Linux is very open, a lot of guides may give different advice and knowing what to/not to do can feel confusing. (For instance, if you have an SSD in your computer, you really shouldn’t use a swap partition unless you absolutely have to due to limited RAM.) In most cases though you can get by with the defaults when installing something like mint.
That being said. You could simply make the boot stick and try out the live version of the OS before committing to wiping any of your drives to install the OS. Just know that running the live version from the boot stick will be slow, it may take a little time for things to boot which is normal since you are running the os off of a USB stick.
If you would like some help I could try to give you some guidance. I would just want to know the specs/model of your computer so I can make sure I lead you in the right direction.
Devil Dawgs isn’t too bad. Tried them and Portillos the last time I was out there.
Are there any others out there that you would recommend?