Hit him again.
Hit him again.
We are past the soap and ballot box stages.
I think you’re close to the root of it. The need for a biological legacy is strong no matter any affiliations. Having “non-conforming” children threatens that legacy.
For the groups that inflate this drive, that’s all there is. That’s the only purpose. No “we as a species”.
For the rest of us it might be a little disappointing at the prospect of no grandchildren. But we know that it’s ultimately not our decision. And the same outcome could happen regardless of any “conformity”.
I am not hand washing a damn thing. It either goes in or sits in the sink dirty.
Sure. Just don’t expect me to get out of bed on your “farm”, Maggie.
Mine want a two way conversation. And I have stuff to do.
Mine never shut up. Why was my appointment booking an hour?
Durhamite, checking in. Voted early.
The most versatile note pad in existence…
“I’d rather kill myself than go to heaven.” - Wm Murderface
I have VPN so I can look at porn.
Only if my balls feel like they’re going to slip out.
Look to the atheist. He does not use the command line because he secretly believes. He does so because he knows it’s good.
The old file menu was way more functional if you needed to be keyboard only.
It’s German potato salad which is even less salad like than American styled potato salad.
AI enhanced anything is pointless when everything seems intended to separate you from your money.
It’ll be an elephant walk of ai and ai adjacent services.
But if I call for slavers to get the blade, I’m somehow the bad guy.
Or a cannibal. Or the zodiac killer.