Do you use a mesh for the pipe?
Do you use a mesh for the pipe?
It’s just a tighter grouping of (biased) data that can be searched and retrieved a bit quicker.
How is your intelligence different from being “biased data that can be accessed”?
The fact that something can reason about what it presents to you as information is a form of intelligence. And while this discussion is impossible without defining “reason”, I think we should at least agree that when a machine can explain to you what and why it did what it did, it is a form of reason.
Should we also not define what it means when a person answers a question through reasoning? It’s easy to overestimate the complexity of it because of our personal bias and our ability to fantasize about endless possibilities, but if you break our abilities down, they might be the result of nothing but a large dataset combined with a simple algorithm.
It’s easy to handwave the intelligence of an AI, not because it isn’t intelligent, but because it has no desires, and therefore doesn’t act unless acted upon. It is not easy to jive that concept with the idea that something is alive, which is what we generally require before calling it intelligent.
I would advise avoiding things with sucralose.
It’s a bit late to worry about internal mics when everyone has their phone on them at all times.
Oh right, so you were talking about the content, that’s not what I understood under “frontend”. Thanks for clearing it up.
I don’t have any experience with the platform, so I’m not in a position to judge their decisions, but it’s always tricky when you present yourself as censor free. There’s things you obviously don’t want on your service, but if it falls within the legal realm, it is no longer a matter of “will we block Nazi material” but whether from that point onward you start taking a moral and political stance.
Things get incredibly tricky and cumbersome if you choose that route, not just from an administrative perspective but also technically. I can understand why the people who operate the platform would prefer to primarily use legality as a deciding factor, as not every ideological issue that you open yourself up to if you take the other route is as straightforward as fascism.
Guys, just because the backbone of your site is decentralized doesn’t mean your centralized frontend can’t be modified by you.
I don’t understand what you’re saying here. Did you mean can be modified? Or what does this have to do with Nazi rhetoric? Maybe you have a different idea about the word “frontend”?
It all depends on how you define the word chemtrails. It’s easy to jump to the most ridiculous version of the theory and reject it, but that is somewhat akin to a straw man. In light of what I just showed you, it’s also incredibly contradictory.
No offense, but if you oversimplify the situation to “it’s just contrails that linger and people not understanding this” I think you’re not doing yourself any justice. Not everyone who questions these things is a fool who can’t reason or apply logic.
You sound very sure, but don’t forget that the UK admitted to doing similar things, for decades, on an unsuspecting population.
I really don’t believe it. At some point it was even a suggested workaround to intercept requests to port 53 because the Shield or its apps were not honoring your network’s DNS configuration. Which would be similar to the pihole not being in the picture at all.
If it’s really working for you, I suggest telling the community how you’ve done it because this question pops up every other day and the answer is always the same.
That’s BS. It’s impossible for something like pihole to block ads like the ones we get on YouTube/Android tv because they are served from the same domain as the regular content and a pihole doesn’t know the difference.
The only way to block them is to run unofficial apps that replace YouTube and the likes.
Saying nobody wants AI is like saying nobody wants the internet a few decades ago. Before you know it, it’ll be the interface to everything you do with a computer.
Out of interest though, what specifically is it that you don’t like?
Pro tip if this happens, add more water.
I really find this a bit alarmist and exaggerated. Consider the motive and the alternative. You really think companies like that have any other options than to deal with those things?
Israel and the Occupied Territories: Shielded from scrutiny: IDF violations …
Palestinian children tortured, used as shields by Israel: U.N. | Reuters
I just thought I’d add this to counter the usual one sided view on the matter.
You say that, but in her defense she was a prostitute.
What does “mass abortions” mean exactly in this context?
You’re probably talking about Iceland’s “100% abortion rate for people with down syndrome”? Which comes to about 1 or 2 cases per year.
Exaggerating much?
I’d go mesh and possibly some tobacco replacement to “dilute” the hash a bit, depending on the quality, and improve the burning.