Dumb not Illiterate
Dumb not Illiterate
i got a good 55in LG oled screen, connected it to wifi and added a firewall rule to block its access to the internet because i hate how lg forces ads
i negated some of the privacy gains by having my “OS” be an apple TV that has internet access but im willing to live with it, since it allows easy remote access to my home assistant through HomeKit, plus the interface is nice and I have RetroArch installed on it, so yeah
You can replicate the same thing but switch the apple TV for a more private and adequate device for your needs
this doesnt seem to have a pcie slot for the dual 10gig, at least from this fujitsu tech spec
thanks man
its working for me, its just an ebay search with the terms “mcx312b-xcct”
thanks for the detailed reply!
its cool seeing someone running this exact config. I’ll look into the card you suggested. may i ask what’s the difference between them?
im planning to run dac to uplink/downlink, currently running my switch directly to the isp box using dac
extra question: can i install some wireless card in the m.2 slot that can do vlan tagging on different SSIDs, or is that job better left off to a dedicated access point?
i think youre right on part of the argument, but older presidents also have less of a reason to think of the future since, yknow, theyll soon kick the bucket and whatnot, so less worries of the long term effects of their actions
at least thats what i think