A strip of leather and a rock are quite damaging in the right hands.
A strip of leather and a rock are quite damaging in the right hands.
This is much better but your previous comment was awful. It read like a LLM alone wrote it.
That being said I can’t tell you why specifically it reads like that. I’m forwarding it to my friend who is a English professor to find out. If English is your second language then just keep at it and please don’t take the criticism here personally.
Please tell me of this enlightened place you come from where racism and discrimination do not exist. Surely they also are accepting refugees and I need but apply? No?
Everyone but my tribe are _______. Hehe I’m so clever.
“We must therefore claim, in the name of tolerance, the right not to tolerate intolerance”
Karl Popper
Uncle Ben is that you?
A little context; This began as American First Nations medical tech. Tobacco smoke enemas were used to treat a variety of conditions, including constipation, bowel obstruction, and colic. They eventually abandoned this because of the toxicity of nicotine. The drowning bit was a last resort treatment. We don’t have any info on it ever working. As far as old medicine goes this isn’t the biggest offender.