Of course, a memes a meme! At least college usually covers the truth as best it can, hence why folks like DeSantis are targeting universities mostly, not K-12. But as you say… for now.
Shitposter while I tend to two babies. Maybe when I have my life back, I’ll help us get a few more niche communities back?
Of course, a memes a meme! At least college usually covers the truth as best it can, hence why folks like DeSantis are targeting universities mostly, not K-12. But as you say… for now.
I wouldn’t say we’re not censoring the indigenous genocide. Having worked in education as a researcher, I’d say most K-12 programs actively avoid the topic (in large part because textbooks tend to get approved first by Texas, then others follow–long story as to why. But suffice to say they don’t exactly like the dirty truth in Texas).
I guess that’s not censorship so much as indoctrinating the youth? Is that really better?
My guess is it’s specific to the domain but federation screws up a domain firewall (which I kind of hope is the case, that’d be a cool reason to use the Fediverse).
That, or it’s fake, except there is a fair number of people able to check that site and confirm and the site is usually correct in my experience.
Funny how the kid looks at much like the neighbor and not his dad, huh? What are the odds.
I think it helps that mine is a new sprouts so it’s not as frequented. They do have a notice saying there is a shortage though. I don’t think their pasture raised ones are impacted directly, but the loss of the cheaper eggs still makes it in higher demand.
As an 87, I can’t say I’m bored, needs to be replaced with tired. But I agree that Pikachu is in fact one of our major emotions.
That’s going to be really confusing when a fully passing trans person goes up to customs or TSA and it’s clearly wrong. Although then again my ex had her old picture still and the looks she got were pretty funny (that was decades ago, though, when this wasn’t being used as a scapegoat).
Yes but that’s Ralph’s. I’ve continued getting $4 eggs from Sprouts which is just their going rate. (Although their $9 pasture eggs are lit).
Gdi I hate that the moderates might have been right about keeping that. On the other hand, not quite sure what’s keeping Republicans from circumventing the filibuster.
It’s especially nice when you use their special Microsoft store as sometimes they’re kind enough to install an app directly to your smallest drive, multiple times just in case you can’t find it. It even takes over security credentials so you nor anyone else can get rid of the files!
So nice to finally use all of my 516gb SSD, thanks Microsoft!
Crazy conditioning but I beat Rogue Squadron while watching daytime TV with the flu and I now associate I Love Lucy with it. Those N64 Star Wars games were solid.
My mom’s new boyfriend tried to impress the family with a ski trip only for me to learn I get mad altitude sickness. For three days in the cabin, I was sick as a dog. I played the ever loving fuck out of Bomberman 64 that trip.
I loved that trip. Lol
They never did clarify, did they. I bet it’s marble. Would explain why there’s so many marble statues from that era (in a more fun way than reality, anyway!)
Tis the year of the snake, baby
Correct. Only tunnels like that I’ve seen were abroad, here you have to chance it on foot or get a car.
steam deck runs out of power on way to bench after a tough boss
But what you’ve done before you can always do again.
I think now they give you those paper plates? Not ideal, but I see them a lot, flapping in the winds.
That’s what they do in a few countries. It works, lol.
You know, is said he worked UI at Firaxia from '15 to '17, which first made me think he worked on Civ VI, but then more likely Xcom Chimera Squad?
You don’t get that job without having some interest in games. I hope it turns out he actually played Assassin’s Creed and is intentionally pulling an Ezio look, smile and all.
So the thing is this is mostly a matter of which texts your school purchases. Since the leader in purchasing (at least when I checked a few years back) was Texas’ board, publishers tend to prioritize what they require. There are usually alternatives and teachers have (or had?) some autonomy on this, but many are pretty neutral because why would you go out of your way to research these things?
Anyway, currently we also have an abundance of book banning and the politicalizarion of the PTA so it’s probably even worse right now. Also, Trail of Tears is like the token indigenous atrocity story, kind of like how a text will have 3 paragraphs on MLK to cover all of the civil rights movement.