well i am not aware about the details of transnistria status, but i know that abkhazia and south ossetia are at first glance in the same situation: despite being internationally recognized parts of georgia, georgian law, law enforcement, military has no control there whatsoever, there is russian military, and both self proclaimed republics are getting money from russian government.
i can guess (but it’s interesting to clarify) that situation in transnistria should be similar: that’s a break away region with russian military presence, and it seems unlikely that moldovan law would have any even negligable influence on the region.
but maybe i am mistaken.
heh, but ‘the good guy’ also smokes. i don’t know why, is it because we have this legacy image about thinkers and artists, that they should smoke, while their mind is occupied with eliminating the problems of the humankind.
i cannot help but perceive this image (not exactly your painting, but image of a thinker) as one that should be deprecated, since it romanticizes smoking.