Sooner or later they’d get me for one thing if not for another…
[But if] a fellow ain’t got a soul of his own, just little piece of a big soul, the one big soul that belongs to everybody, then…Then it don’t matter. I’ll be all around in the dark – I’ll be everywhere.
Thank you! I understand it’s focused on one person, but ya get what i mean? It invites misunderstanding.
It’s not wrong to phrase it this way, it’s technically accurate to say" Lone LBGTQ+ Democrat". However it’s definitely clunky and unnecessarily confusing.
Reading the title immediately raises the question in the reader: "If only one LGBTQ+dem, how many other Dems?
If his sexuality is the point, then his party affiliation isn’t. If his party is the point, his sexuality isn’t.
The Advocate speaks to issues in the LBGT+community, therefore speaking to his sexuality is relevant. Titles are supposed to summarize the article with more information as you read. If the article, brings up information it does not then answer, why mention it if not to confuse? Reading the title could easily cause the reader to mistake “Gay Democrat is lone LBGT+ vote” as the lone Dem vote.
WAS this the Intent? Well that’s harder to parse.
Really, I’m not like, saying the advocate is trash or w/e, but i AM trying to take into consideration how often our news sources have biases (deliberate or internal) towards the 2 parties. MSNBC et al are known to push for the Democrats, FOX n ONANN etc for the Repubs. No arfument there, right?
Further, if "The Advocate"does in fact has a pro-Dem bias, I’m not even claiming they’re morally wrong for doing so! But! As someone who personally feels the DNC is not a party for the people of the US, and sees often the cover they get from the aforementioned media who do, i’m very sensitive to and always looking out for examples of wording that give the Ds cover for doing its constituents dirty like they did with this vote.
80 other Democrats (thanks again btw) sold us out; and that information matters. Leaving that out is an extremely important omission, and for a magazine that frequently interviews Democratic representatives, it’s an omission i cannot believe is unintentional.
This seems phrased in such a way as to obfuscate the democrats’ vote on NDAA25, which i can’t seem to dig up rn
Its (windows)10’oclock. Do you recall where your screenshots are?
I like it a lot when professional actors lose it once in awhile, it really adds a lot. I do end up disliking it when they do it too often, like it’s part of their shtick. There was a dude on SNL for awhile who always cracked up and i hated him. It’s gotta feel authentic to me.
I’m lookin into and learning more about mini greenhouses and how/what is easy to start growing. If i am successful i want to show others in my town how to break some of kroger’s grip cuz shit’s getting real out here. It feels like something im maybe capable of, so i guess I’m starting by pretending i can.
I’m trying to figure out who the fuck might read this “polywork” bullshit and think to themselves: “yes. Both this take and this person are both sane and good”
It’s really hard for me to understand why you stopped learning and started talking. You’re supposed to keep doing both! instead of ending your education at high school and repeating things the rest of us have dismissed along with our pimples as ideas for children.
If 80 senators decide the vote should be anonymous then it could be, right? Normally i don’t think that’d be possible but for something AIPAC hold so dear i could see it
18 others wounded
John Crapper is a hero in my book
no one wants to stand out when they don’t want to so… unique body. Not like elephant man even i mean just really tall/short dark/light different. No one wants to be too far outside the mean where they live
More evidence of Dem voters getting radicalized by their “unbiased” media. these cats are the ones trudging blindly behind their party’s frog-march rightward
His brain stuttered. He’s had that his whole life you ableist!
I’m usually sitting or lying down.
I saw a post ‘kindly fall in line’ (speaking to a harris dissenter) on the lib-verse the other day and i thought they were lampooning libs at first but after several re-reads they were for real.
They can’t hear themselves. I thought liberals mostly just held the door open for fascists but that oft-used quote about bleeding is true, huh.
Fuck me
Asked by Karl if he saw any “daylight” between Biden and Harris on the genocide in Gaza, Sanders replied: “Well, I hope so.”
He added that, “in all fairness to the vice president, you know, she’s been the candidate for all of one month… So, they are still working through their policies.
Sorry, I’m not quite sure what kind of help you are asking for. I do know one thing though:
Reddit shows me some weird stuff when I enter it and that distrubs my peace of mind!
You really should leave that place if you can. My experience is similar to yours, i also feel like crap after spending time there. Quitting that site and never looking back was a relief i hope you can share.
Unfortunately, I am in a system that handicaps human growth, you don’t/can’t grow up to your full potential when you live in systems like these
If you’re talking about being surrounded by reminders of a system you hate, i can relate. Can you talk more about them without doxxing yourself? If that’s not what you want to talk about, then maybe
I am hyperaware of certain things. Small things, they steal my mental peace, it can be someone honking incessantly on the streets or anything loud or unnecessary
Are you asking about help with anxiety and sensory overload issues? Cuz i can relate there too
It’s happening! He stabbed DDD into his chest!
(He didn’t)