The correct spelling is even in the link
The correct spelling is even in the link
Villains or heroes isn’t the issue. It’s the argument that we need a group that doesn’t play by the rules that apply to the rest of society that I find problematic.
Shouldn’t we strive for a world in which the rules really do apply to all? Can’t we hope to conceive of a set of laws standards by which we should all be judged? Isn’t the world of Star Trek meant in some way to be aspirational, rather than just a reflection of what we have now?
Yeah. Reading the article, Section 31 seems great if you just want to just shit on everything else in the franchise. Nope, not for me.
Situated several hundred feet above sea level, routes through the caves pass along steep cliff edges and over deep ravines like the one Andic tragically fell down.
Several areas include tricky terrain, like rocky pathways without proper fencing or support.
Might make a great location for a corporate retreat
No worse than the “atomic” or “space-age” days that followed, and way better than “block-chain” or “AI” of today.
John Bolton. I only want to hear from this guy if he’s on the witness stand. I can’t believe he still gets interviews.
Post of info on Tiblur by a now 3 hour old lemmy account
Ah, yes, oh so reliable
Name has its own theme song
No, no. The Timex Sinclair was my first. The sealed keyboard design was perfect for the occasional milk spills
Well, yeah, and boy did the other kids let me know it
The instructions were probably more helpful for someone who knew what these tubes were. I was probably about 6 at this point, hadn"t been actively involved in much TV repair by this time, and I guess I somehow didn’t pick up enough clues from the context of the instructions to put it all together before just leaping into playing with the dials and switches. You know, like a kid
I remember one of these being at the grocery store as a kid. I didn’t know at the time what it was for, but it had knobs and switches to play with.
I am currently wearing a pair of shorts that I bought sometime in the late '80s. The top blanket currently on my bed was made by my grandmother in the '70s. The clock right in front of me was made during WW2, but I’ve only had it for a couple of decades. I guess I just don’t throw shit away
Edit: now that I think of it, my bed is probably from the '30s or '40s.
Oh, I don’t mind anyone disrespecting Ronald Reagan or Donald Regan. It is the disrespect for the reader that is bothersome.