Vibin’ in my Lost River habitat.

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: September 11th, 2023


  • I never said, and I never say, “All Lives Matter.” That’s what stupid conservatives say because they don’t understand that’s exactly the rhetorical trap BLM has set for them in order to call them racists. Please notice I didn’t step in that trap, so don’t shove me into it.
    When it comes to “What belongs on people’s clothes while representing their employer,” BLM and KKK are the same.
    BLM’s message isn’t really “Please stop murduring us.” It’s “You white people are all a bunch of racists.”
    It’s slanderous (which is why it’s offensive), it’s obviously political at a glance, so inherently so that I don’t know how to explain it, and a lot of people don’t go for that shit and a lot of other people do (which makes it divisive).

  • The BLM movement is astro-turfed into existence by scammers, but I do believe that there is a movement with a purpose that arose as a result. However, I think they’re misguided, focusing on race instead of what the real problem is: policing. We have shitty police. They’re ignorant, especially of law, and aggressive, and they’re following bad orders. That’s in the best case. In the worst case, they’re corrupt. It doesn’t just affect black people, it affects everyone. By making it a race issue you divide people by race and eliminate any possibility of getting any redress.
    Yes, black people are disproportionately affected, but they’re easy targets because they’re disproportionately criminal. That’s another thing BLM refuses to address. Why are black people disproportionately criminal? Democrats and the deep state have engineered them to be that way. They bribed fathers out of their homes, sold them crack, promised them free shit, lied to them, and utterly destroyed the black family. They have instantiated the school-to-prison pipeline in inner-city public schools.
    If you really wanted to help black people, you’d tell them the truth. There is a solution and it’s simple but difficult. Two things need to happen:

    1. Keep the family intact. Fathers are necessary and irreplaceable.
    2. Take your kids out of public school. School them at home. Do whatever it takes.
      Do these two things, and the rest of the details surrounding these problems will solve themselves.

  • I’ll spell it out for you:
    It suggests that it needs to be said because there are lots of people who don’t know it. However, everybody knows black lives matter, and it’s an implication that everybody who doesn’t adopt your race ideology is a racist. In reality, those who do are actually racists in denial and are projecting. I and a lot of other people feel this way.
    Then, there are the people who subscribe to your ideology, who think that white people are racist and need to be told to stop being racist, and there are a fair number of people who believe that.
    So, there are a lot of people who think one thing, and a lot of people who think another thing. Shouting your shibboleths in the street that declares your difference highlights the division that exists in society. That is what we call “divisive.”

    Oh, and since this is the first time I see you in this thread, I must say I’m sorry I wasn’t able to divine that you were waiting for an explanation.

  • Evangelicals don’t think that gay people should not exist, they think people shouldn’t do gay stuff. I don’t know what it is with the left, and especially the alphabet mafia, but you guys have a habit of characterizing the slightest disagreement as “they are trying to erase our existence.” That’s not what’s happening. Lighten up a bit. It’s a conversation.
    Nobody is trying to strip you of any fundamental civil rights. Perhaps you’re trying to characterize the violation of other people’s fundamental civil rights as your own civil rights, and what you’re sensing is the civil rights of the innocent being protected, which sometimes necessitates not letting you do what you want to do.

    Yes, evangelicals, by definition, do not leave people alone. Yes, they are given to harassment, and they need to be checked against it. But what you see at planned parenthood isn’t your typical evangelical, those are activists. And yes, they can be violent, and that needs to be checked. People are free to hold signs, advocate, and form picket lines, but they are not free to interfere with people’s movement, hit people, or project bodily fluids on them. But again, that’s not evangelicals.

    Religion doesn’t inflict damage and pain — people do. Conversely, you don’t seem to be able to look at religion and see the structures and advancement it has enabled. It’s not that you can’t know, it’s that you don’t want to.