tryptaminev 🇵🇸 🇺🇦 🇪🇺

  • 5 Posts
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: June 13th, 2023


  • Which, assuming the allegations that Israel refuses to provide any evidence for and the US considers to be of “low confidence” are true, would be 12 out of over 10.000 people.

    In the meantime there is at least 4 members of the Israeli 33 ministers+one president government that have been explciitly called out by the ICJ for statements that can be understood to incite genocide or be an indication of the intention of commiting genocide. And these are the president, the prime minister, the minister of defense and the minister of energy and infrastrucutre. Those are highly relevant people, not some obscure smaller ministers

    So we have 0,12 % rate of suspects at UNRWA based on allegations without any evidence provided, vs. a 12% rate of Israeli government leaders called out by the highest court of the world for statements that are indicative of genocidal incitement or intent.

  • Maybe include the second part of that paragraph i wrote:

    That is why you should refrain from judgement over a human in his entirety. You can and sometimes should judge individual acts that you have witnessed or are proven.

    But given the example of Hitler. Why is it important to consider the person in his entirety as evil? Aren’t the intention and act of genocide by themselves an evil that needs to be condemmend and prevented?

    I find Hitler and Fascism are great examples, because the story of the fascists being evil people is a form of “othering”. They are the evil people, but we are not the evil people. This can all to easily lead to ignorance to how easily Fascism can spread and infect any people. And we see it in the way Germans wiggled themselves out of responsibility for their crimes after WW2.

    To quote the Ausschwitz survivor Karl Stojka:

    „Und das haben Menschen gemacht, so wie du, du und ich. Diese Leute kamen nicht von einem anderen Planeten. […] Es waren Menschen, so wie wir. Und nicht Hitler hat mich verhaftet, nicht Göring, nicht Goebbels. Der Greißler, der Hausmeister, der Schneider, der Schuster, der Bäckermeister, die haben auf einmal eine Uniform gekriegt, eine Hakenkreuzbinde, und da waren sie die Herrenrasse…“

    And this was done by people like you and me. These people were not froma different planet. it was people like us. Not Hitler inprisoned me, not Goering, not Goebbels. [It was] the storekeeper, the house caretaker, the tailor, the cobbler, the baker. They suddenly received an uniform, a swastika armband and there they were the master race…

    Or to say it with a caricature In Nuremberg and other places - “but he had ordered me to it”:

  • The argument is that you cannot really know. You don’t know everything a person did. You don’t know the motivations with which they act. You cannot look into their heart.
    That is why you should refrain from judgement over a human in his entirety. You can and sometimes should judge individual acts that you have witnessed or are proven.

    This is explicit the Bible i.e. Matthew 7:1 and the Qur’an i.e. 1:4. I don’t know how it is written in the Torah, but generally in the abrahamic religions the final judgement is reserved to Allah, as He is the only one to truly know a human.

    But also outside religion, why is it that anyone should rise to judgement of whether someone is “good” or “bad” in face of serious illness or injury? Saying someone is good so he doesn’t deserve cancer implies that there is people who deserve cancer.
    I know the statement is usally meant to signal compassion. The compassion should be unconditional though, as it is a fellow human that is suffering.

  • So explain the logistics to me:

    the men are asked to undress by themselves? so they have their hands free and could grab any weapon inside their clothes? or are they undressed by the soldiers? The first doesnt make sense because then the argument of safety is mood. the second doesnt make sense because the soldiers would find any weapons that are in the clothes.

    Then you say they are transported to a “processing location” Then why is there videos of people sitting there for hours? why is there no transport vehicle on site? Why wouldnt people be checked for weapons and then secured inside a transport vehicle?

    But even leaving all of this aside. The men have their hands tied behind their backs. How would they be able to attack a soldier with a weapon that somehow was not found in the checks before? Firearms are simply impossible to hide. So the only thing that somehow could have slipped passed would be tiny shivs. How would someone that somehow managed to reach for a small shiv in his pocket be a danger to a soldier with his hands tied behind the back? Did you ever try walking backwards on a straight line? Now imagine doing so with your hands tied and trying to hit the right angle so you can inflict a wound upon someone who wears body armor.

    Further considerations: Why would someone with the goal to fight the IDF wait to get detained to then try such a ridiculous maneuver, where the margin of success is nonexistent and death is certain? It would make much more sense to shoot at them from a window when they walk down the street.

    And finally: If there is a true military need to act like this, why did we not see these kind of pictures on a regular basis from the Ukrainian military?

    I fail to see a military justification for this. Especially since other militaries are perfectly capeable to handle suspects and POWs without stripping them down like this.

  • ahh yes. Because the Israeli army has literally no options between “relentless bombing of Gaza, denying access to food, water and medicine, sniping civillians trying to flee according to your demand on the safe routes you designated and bombing ambulances trying to move patients in the same way” and “doing nothing and watch Hamas regroup.”

    Israel could have led an infantry assault into Gaza withou pounding everything first. That would have meant higher casualties though and here shows the true nature of Israels government and army.

    They do not care for any palestinian life. So far for every Israeli soldier that got killed, more than 200 palestinian civillians were killed.

    In world war 2 the axis powers killed about 6 civillians for every axis soldier and the allies killed about 1 civillian for every 4 ally soldiers. So the war that was about total destruction and genocide still had more than a magnitude less civillians killed relative to combatants killed.

  • Studying economics brings little help.

    First of all, the models are seemingly easy, when you compare the preference for two goods, or assume a market with a true polypol, but get incomprehensibly complex, the moment you start looking at multiple goods, typical supply chains of today and most importantly, that most markets aren’t polypols, many goods aren’t substituable etc.

    But even assuming you have a great model understanding of things, you simply lack the information. That is also the reason, why no single actor can consistently beat the stock market, aside from shear luck (which tends to run out eventually). There will always be so much more to the picture, that you don’t know, than what you know.