Janey! Janey! Bofaney!
grow a plant, hug your dog, lift heavy, eat healthy, be a nerd, play a game and help each other out
Janey! Janey! Bofaney!
Absolutely. I wouldn’t have that option on my laptops or phones (fedora / android)
all the controls are accessible using the EspressoFlow app for macOS or Windows
Is it typical for portable displays no not have an OSD?
it’s in 4:3, so it’s bound to be a lovely time 🥰
Is this the one where homer owes patty and Selma money?
Something about two fabulous babes staying for dinner
aw man I’ve never seen any of this. I’ll try to totally find legitimate copies of these discs for my still in use DVD player in my still regularly occupied living room.
good shout.
Is this the ribwich episode? Homeboy in the gif trades his car for the last one?
Also die area,
She’s a bit of a diva but such a lovely little beastie 🥰
Now I’m extra mad because their new app is messing with sleepy time for the bebis 😠
fuck those guys. Glad you gave a workaround in place.
no u
Hope it works out for you tho. Hit us up if you need a hand.
I’m using my kitchen S5 exclusively in aux mode with a spare phone which runs the Malopieds fork of Innertune. It’s the perfect music kiosk / jukebox and I never have to touch their apps (unless I change up my network).
such a good baby 😊
Here’s my little gray having a wee nap
Damn, thats pretty kitted out. Sick one, genuinely cool idea.
Pls give the pup plenty of scritches from all of us
That’s actually a sick idea. Does it not get a bit prickly though?
Most importantly what’s the pups name and why do they look all 🥺
I’ve had situations like this with my notebook where it would appear to do nothing from the GUI when clicked. It was because I didn’t have power connected, and I think gnome software has since been updated to reflect this.
Assuming you were connected to power, I’m not sure but it may be worth reporting as a bug to gnome-software?
FWIW, your UEFI is generally likely to reset with significant hardware changes (system memory, CPU). It’s generally fine with video card, disk and power supply swaps so long as it doesn’t boot into a stop code as a result.
Which index were these disks arranged in? Windows will install its bootloader on 0 regardless of where you physically install the OS.
I like to keep OS disks self contained, and tend to completely remove other connected disks when conducting a new install. This is a must for Windows, I’ve not had a Linux distro place it’s bootloader in anything other than the OS destination.
Third time’s the charm or?
Huh, is this a fork of innertune?