I’m in the process of building my first LoRa with an old ESP I had lying around. Excited to see where this tech goes
I’m in the process of building my first LoRa with an old ESP I had lying around. Excited to see where this tech goes
Weirdly that sounds identical to many of the hallucinations that newer LLMs are making.
And yet I still have electronics to this day that require me to pull the plug to get going again 😂
Now that is more what I had in mind! I’ll definitely be using this, thanks
Always wondered why this wasn’t automated, from an ergonomics perspective, a command that lets me open a shell could detect that no shell exists, and then do as you said, without me having to lift a finger. It’s not very unix-y, but it could be a sort of plug-in for Docker CLIs.
It’s great when you have a problem and you just stumble upon a solution on Lemmy out of nowhere.
I stand corrected, looks like it was iOS 13 and newer that offered support for this, so it could go all the way back to the SE.
It’s also extremely naive of anyone who has played the games. Ciri is the obvious choice to continue the story. Half of the books are about her, and as Geralt’s only kid, who better to tell the story of what comes next. Especially seeing as she is the only young person alive trained in the ways of a Witcher at the end of the 3rd game.
MacBooks delay charging past 80% because in most cases you don’t actually need it, and it’ll extend the battery life. You can disable it in settings if you want though, I use Al Dente instead to manage my battery.
iPhone 15 and newer do the same.
As someone who has a formal education in Computer Engineering, I can attest that the degree is essentially a combination of modern Electrical Engineering and Computer Science degrees. In other words it is a dual major without any of the benefits.
Not all Software Engineers do actual engineering and that’s okay. The only problems I’ve seen with this in my time in the tech industry is when you have someone who can talk the talk, but when it comes time to do the difficult mental work, they fold like a deck of cards, or worse release a product that’s half-baked. You will see this a lot when a boot camp churns out talent hoping to make a quick buck and then they are given a truly important and hard problem to solve, such as healthcare or military applications.
For that reason, many SWE roles require education to be specified on resumes, rather than certifications as a hoop you have to jump through. If your job did not question your education when you were interviewing then that is usually a good indicator of the kinds of people you will be working with. With all of that said I’ve worked with many engineers that did not have a formal education and were very talented, some of which lied about their education to get where they are today. This happens frequently across all industries however, and isn’t unique to software.
Maybe if you count the rooster, and Clugg banging on rocks outside the cave as alarm clocks.
Let’s workshop one.
The remote controlled Tesla robots killed the UHC CEO during their morning commute, they were in a big hurry because they were late for work, and as they hurried into work that morning they accidentally pushed Jim who was holding a scalding hot cup of coffee. Jim exclaimed, “goddamnit Elon!”, as his coffee went flying across the room. The coffee leaked under the door of a sealed clean room and that shifted 3 atoms to the left in the EUV (Extreme Ultraviolet) Lithography System. Ruining the entire wafer. Jim quietly cleaned up the spill, and went on with his day. You might be wondering who the operator of the Robot was, and it was of course, Tom Cruise. He always hated Jim.
Tried to to do this today, and my coworker replied to me with, “well have you heard that the CEO of UH was gunned down in Manhattan this morning?”
Wasn’t the kind of chill I was expecting
So they help you write into inputs and click buttons.
Lots of things already do that in the AI space, so nothing new. See literally any AI scraping tool, or the testing dev tool https://midscenejs.com for examples.
I don’t see why this had to be a browser and not an extension. It’s an assistive accessibility tool at the end of the day, should become especially useful for disabled surfers.
It’ll vary by the software you have, and the phone you have. Many companies have been caught capturing microphone recordings such as Google, Meta and Amazon over the years to name a few.
It also depends on the appliances you own, and how you have them configured. TVs, Alexa, hell we even have refrigerators that have live mics on them now.
I have worked for tech my whole life, this is table stakes for these organizations, ethics be damned.
Code is a liability.
You could probably build a tool that assesses the risk of any given PR based on this and several other signals. PRs with enough risk should require justification and sign off.
Zen doesn’t even support passkeys properly. I stopped using it almost immediately after trying it. I attribute it to good marketing and PR as an Arc alternative. Especially after Arc showed their hand very clearly regarding how they’d respond to Manifest v3 and then the recent security fiasco.
When everyone is in the market for a new Browser and you’re selling new ideas, you’ll find a lot of buyers. Hopefully from the ashes of Firefox someone comes out on top though. For now I’ll keep using my customized FF for everything, but I imagine that will have to change in the not too distant future.
Why does the article make it sound like cooling a data center results in constant water loss? Is this not a closed loop system?
I’m imagining a giant reservoir heat sink that runs throughout a complex to pull heat out of the surrounding environment where some liquid evaporates and needs to be replenished. But first of all we have more efficient liquid coolants, and second that would be a very lazy solution.
I wonder if they’ve considered geothermal for new data centers. You can run a geothermal loop in reverse and use the earth as a giant heat sink. It’s not water in the loop, it’s refrigerant, and it only needs to be replaced when you find the efficiency dropping, which can take decades.
Hyprland is a right-wing community, because a sole moderator is being a dick to the trans community? Am I reading that correctly? Must be missing some context