Proxmox on physical servers hosting a variety of vanilla Debian installations. I have a physical router running pfsense as well as two HP miniservers running OpenMediaVault.
Great American humorist. C# developer. Open source enthusiast.
Proxmox on physical servers hosting a variety of vanilla Debian installations. I have a physical router running pfsense as well as two HP miniservers running OpenMediaVault.
Tomato, tomato, as far as they’re concerned.
It’s always a matter of degrees. The bigger the injustice, the more violence is justified to rectify it. It is in the disproportionality, in my view, where the problem arises.
Never forget that humans are just barely evolved apes. Sometimes a swift knock to the head is required to activate those neural pathways to discourage anti-social behavior. Not always, but also not never. Claiming otherwise is just self-aggrandizing moralization that people use to make themselves sound and feel superior.
lol is this a real thing? does hexbear own pronouns? maybe i’m too old to understand the fediverse culture. grandpa simpson was right.
And the article is making the case explicitly that this is bad. He is saying that 9/11 brought about terrible actions from us and that we should learn lessons and not repeat our mistakes. He’s actually trying to convince the reader that we should not “swallow” another genocide.
You keep describing it as jingoistic and the author didn’t claim or even appear to be heavily nationalistic and in fact appeared quite the opposite.
…did you read the post? It feels like you did not read the content of the post.
I think we just have to accept that marketing has to dumb down and generalize for the mass market.
So they’re using our data and also getting paid for it
Yeah? Isn’t that the point of paying for a music service? I pay, they give me access to music and curate it in a way that would be enjoyable to me. How could they do that without some information about me? This is a prime example of what a company should use your data for.
This logic is really sending me, man.
If it’s a neural network doing it, then that’s fine.
I have never, not once, heard a good thing about
. Are they allowed to have any fun over there? Seems like it’s a server purely dedicated to being superior to everyone else and sniffing their own farts.
They probably already know what they’ll be shooting at with it, because both sides are supporting it.
People that show any signs of class solidarity.
This is how I imagine China and North Korea in international relations.
This is important. I dunno about scale, but backups. I started out hosting a chat room on a raspberry pi. It was a fun side project. But then, that became where my friends all hung out. That was the place, so it became important to me. And then the SD card got corrupted. I then moved on to a consumer laptop. It was way more stable, much faster. But if I messed up anything about the installation, I was hosed.
I very highly suggest using Proxmox, like you say, and setting up automatic backups. And occasionally transfer them to a hard drive. It doesn’t matter what kind of virtual CPUs or services you install,, as long as you have a plan for when something you host becomes important to you and you lose it.