it’s astounding how balls deep you are in this without for one moment accidentally managing to do any critical thinking
The results show that Chinese foreign direct investment (FDI) sets in motion a process of transformation in the local economy that damages local competitors but – at the same time – benefits local suppliers to the new Chinese firms as well as their local clients.
so it destroys the local economy, save for businesses now irrevocably economically tied to china?
if you can’t see how this mirrors colonialism, or how “development” being defined as it is here also means that colonialism improves development, you might need to slow down on the koolaid
also you kept this one in your wank bank for so long some of your links are dead, so you might want to fix it
oh i’m sorry you don’t agree with the primary conclusion of the source you yourself provided
ironic that you also accuse me of cherry picking when you responded to half of what i said and left the rest
looks like the wank bank comment touched a nerve 👀 👀 👀
also crazy that you just admitted to having an archival system for arguing with strangers on the internet my guy torture wouldn’t have got that out of me