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Joined 5 months ago
Cake day: September 2nd, 2024


  • Look if I’ve done something to upset you, then I do apologize. That’s almost never my goal in life.

    That said, I know exactly what “if” means.

    You made an assumption and appended an insult to the opposite side of that assumption. You were wrong in your assumption, thereby lobbing that insult at me. I won’t apologize for being insulted.

    As for the sandwich nonsense. Two things:

    EDIT lol i hit tab and enter on accident and it posted.

    1. That situation and many others have happened to me. I usually clear up the misunderstanding, so I can figure out wth is going on, and then apologize, though I probably shouldn’t have to seeing as asking clarifying questions is not something that really needs to be apologized for.

    2. You still haven’t addressed the husband and wives thing. Was that a good point so you’re ignoring it and changing the subject to my understanding of sandwich ingredients?

    Regardless, as I said in my last comment. I don’t really want to continue this conversation. I feel as if you’re acting in bad faith and would appreciate being left alone so I don’t have to block you.

  • I think the key here, and I’m speaking from the POV of a 12-stepper, is the idea of introspection.

    Literally, all I learned from 12 step was to look at myself deeply, intensely, and with honesty; learn to forgive myself for the shitty things I’ve done; learn to forgive others for the shitty things they’ve done to me, while taking responsibility for my part in whatever that may have been; and to get into the habit of practicing those things daily.

    The part I think you’re missing with the quote above that you seem to be taking it literally, when in the quote itself implies that it and the idea of God in general, is to be interpreted by the reader however they see fit.

    Sought through prayer and meditation to improve our conscious contact with God as we understood Him, praying only for knowledge of His will for us and the power to carry that out.

    I also think that the “sought through prayer and meditation” does not necessarily imply that one must do both, as it is speaking in the first person plural. Meaning, some people may pray without “meditating”, while others like myself may choose to meditate without “praying” and you can still say of the group “We prayed and meditated” without contradicting oneself. An “and/or” probably would’ve worked best there, but whatever.

    Now, as to whether I think AA and NA are culty? Absolutely, and it’s a big reason why I stopped attending.