Your own servers probably also dont have HSTS enabled, or clicking continue will be disabled (if not overwritten in your browser-config)
Your own servers probably also dont have HSTS enabled, or clicking continue will be disabled (if not overwritten in your browser-config)
Thats why we now have certificate transparency reports and CA-records.
Sure not perfect, but at least with a compliant CA it wont just happen in the dark.
At some point you have to trust someone.
Thats why we have HSTS and HSTS preloading, so the browser refuses to allow this (and disabling it is usually alot deeper to find than a simple button to “continue anyways”)
Yeah and discord is allowing it. Thats all i am saying.
Of course Restorecord is doing it on purpose. There are some valid reasons, but maybe Discord shouldt allow untrusted bot-developers like them to do so.
afaik thats rather about the parallel service someone had selling the data for a subscription and getting that data from restorecord’s database.
In the video it is already suspected restorecord is in on it, and the update comment proves it.
The problem with restorecord getting that data in the first place persists. I am not aware if Discord is tackling that issue at all e.g. making it against EULA and banning those bots.
Discord bots were able to get a users IP via the verification system afaik.
And there are of course other ways to force users to do so. Its more interesting Discord themselves didnt care about these methods to ban such bots… well its Discord, not that surprising when i think about it.
But they are leaving it open…
big reason why i switched to kopia, borg just doesnt cut it anymore…
umm… isnt the government or rather the judikative already deciding what extremist is?
How would specifically this be different?
I can understand the problems thos causes for the platforms, but the government injecting decisions is something you focus on?
Not to forget the many other places they inject themselves… one could say your daily lifes because… careful now… you live in the country with a government, whaaat?
The GPT services out there use something called ‘tools’.
They get presented to the model and the model can ‘call’ a tool with arguments, which can then extract some data and input it into the context for the model to continue.
I found out, the models which can run on a normal PC (or even a Laptop) are okay, but not super great. (around or a bit worse than ChatGpt3)
The good stuff (e.g. Nous-Capybara 31B or the Mistral/Mixtral ones) needs some more memory and compute.
I mean EndeavorOS can install the same gui package manager as Manjaro has, pamac.
Game support usually comes from using packages you need and those packages being up to date to support latest changes like fixes.
Am a long time EndeavourOs user, quite happy, it allows everything i need and pacman never broke on me… cant say the same about apt, when using non-standard repositories (for some up to date packages)
And the AUR is awesome. Has many packages not found in the normal repositories, just some have to be compiled which can take a bit of time, but i dont have to fiddle with it.
Which can include programs which do this.
I can change my screens too on desktop, pretty neat.
Unfortunately its a super simple implementation which doesnt take into account the brightness between different screens.
Ideally there should be a master slider and one per screen. The master slider should then use theother sliders current value as scaling factor to change them.
A more complex option could then also allow setting the brightness of each screen which would allow for better setting via the master slider. (not sure if this information is already available)
Or you use TPM, which you can get the key out of
So i understood you just want some local storage system with some fault tolerance.
ZFS will do that. Nothing fancy, just volumes as either blockdevice or ZFS filesystem.
If you want something more fancy, maybe even distributed, check out storage cluster systems with erasure coding, less storage wasted than with pure replication, though comes at reconstruction cost if something goes wrong.
MinIO comes to mind, tough i never used it… my requirements seem to be so rare, these tools only get close :/
afaik you can add more disks and nodes more or less dynamically with it.
would end up being mostly useless if it were just a block of timestamped and encrypted data sitting on Apple’s or Google’s servers
If you are only interested in the data, sure.
But metadata is also very powerful, specially when aggregated
The interface is weird and unintuitive at times…
I have a dropdown menu at the button “New custom field” and can select “Hidden”.
I like that KeePass has the option to set fields as protected
Vaultwarden can do that, though its quite stiff in some aspects like folders… subfolders? nonexistant…
Ideally keypass would allow handling such conflicts internally.
Thats the big disadvantage of a single-file approach.
Could easily be avoided e.g. sync whole folder and now you can have multiple files, e.g. 1 write file per program used.
Indeed, not classically, but there are HSTS preload lists you can put your domain into which will be downloaded by supported browsers.
And via HSTS you can include all your subdomains, which would then force proper TLS connections for those you havent visited before too.
With the new TLS1.3 version we are getting the HTTPS / “SVCB” Record which not only allows ECH but also indicates to the client similar protection policies like HSTS. (RFC 9460)
ECH will then make such attacks impossible on TLS-level, assuming DNSSEC is used and client can make an integrity-checked lookup e.g. via DoH/DoT or validating DnsSec themselves.
The strength of this depends on the security-chain you want to follow of course. You dont need DNSSEC, but then the only integrity-check is between DNS-Service and Client if they use DoH/DoT (which is usually enough to defeat local attackers)