Agreed, this is the kind of hot garbage I need right now.
Agreed, this is the kind of hot garbage I need right now.
He’s clearly trying to make himself seem more appealing to the orange man in DC.
At this rate, it won’t be long before their final solution includes LGBT people.
He could have just as easily not done anything and gone home. None of what he did makes any sense.
and the mandate from the American people
I’d appreciate if they left me out of this. I do not approve of this shit show, I voted against it, and I want no part of it.
This is gonna lead to things getting a whole lot worse for everyone. If the punishment for literally anything they happen to decide is a crime can be death, that leaves people with absolutely no reason not to fight back violently. Not like the punishment could get any worse.
My head canon is that it was simple reverse psychology. Biden really wanted to keep Cuba on the list, but also wanted to score some easy political points on the way out, so he made a show of how he was de-listing them, knowing Trump would undo it a week later because Trump is an immature crybaby bitch.
I hate they’re having to face penalties like this for speaking out, but mad respect to them for taking a stand.
Gyms around the country are about to lose their collective minds.
Not that I know of. I do a lot of native development mostly on Mint and Endeavor. I use pretty much the same tools on both and get a nearly identical experience. I’d say just go with what feels good to you.
I plan to think about this way too hard next time I get baked.
Maybe I’m misunderstanding this, but I grew up in cental NC and this is only partially true. If you were going to the coast, yeah you’d say “I’m going to the beach”, then probably specify which beach. But, if you were just referring to any other place farther inland, you would most likely use it’s actual name because there are a lot of cities and small towns in relatively close proximity, so you’d have a lot of ambiguity otherwise.