We don’t let sheep vote here, despite being outnumbered by them. We also have no romantic relationships with them either.
Australians suck and are terrible at sport. Don’t pick on them though, because we’re the Pacific redneck brothers. Only we can pick on Australians.
You always know when Tonga or Samoa is playing a sports match, because you’ll see the flags and hear the cars tooting everywhere.
Guy Fawkes is a real big deal. Fireworks will be going all week.
All the fish and chip shops are owned by Chinese, all the dairies by Indians, and all the bakeries by Cambodians.
It’s difficult to find some nationality that isn’t represented by a restaurant somewhere.
Our national dish is Butter Chicken.
-New Zealand
Canada is, surprisingly enough, not part of America.
We’re not America’s hat - you’re Canada’s asshole. /s
Canada is the younger brother of the United States of America… you do everything with an eye on them… And this is not a surprise to anyone
People are racists on a town to town basis.
One of the official language isn’t used in the daily life despite having the larger speaker base. People use dialect.
These dialect can vary a lot between regions or even towns.
People will be angry and rant if the train run 5 minutes late.
The biodiversity is actually bad.
You can legally urinate on a UNESCO monument.
Which monument is this you speak of? :o
The Zytglogge in Berne is the UNESCO monument you can urinate on.
Rather amazingly, set into its outside wall on the street is a pissoir. The “Herren WC” sign is a little misleading, as there is neither WATER nor a CLOSET."
How wonderful!
This is actually misinformation and misleading. The sign says
like on the picture.
My link was for the illustration.
I don’t know what “Herren” means, but WC stands for water closet. It sounds to me like there isn’t any running water or stalls.
Weed isn’t legal in The Netherlands, the sale of weed is only condoned. Meaning the coffee shops who sell weed cant legally purchase it.
As far as the laws concerned it magically appears.
so they illegally purchase it and then sell illegal goods, legally?