The problem is almost never that the wind it blowing, its what the wind is blowing.
In this case, I expect it’s going to be blowing those ratchet straps after they become unanchored, turning them into whips that’ll cleave the roof in half.
The description for the picture says they are connected to big burried concrete blocks, so likely the house is gone before these straps get loose.
Yeah but if a tree slams into the strap and breaks it
Those straps aren’t going to break.
Look man I’m not a sciencologist but if a big ol tree smacks into that strap maybe the strap doesn’t break but the metal tie downs? Idk man doesn’t seem like it would work out well for the house or straps
A 2" wide straps is supposed to fail at about 10,000 pounds/4500kg of static load. The nylon strap will fail long before the metal hardware does, and the roof is going to fail before either of those do. If a large enough object fell on the strap, the most probable scenario is that the strap would end up acting like a wire cutter to the roof.
I believe you
You could use those straps to lift a large tree up in the air with a crane
I need an after picture of this house stat
It’ll trampoline off into the neighbor’s house.
It might break the roof. Those straps are nearly as wide as that truck’s brake lights, i don’t see them snapping so easily.
homie these straps are probably rated for a tree falling on it lol
Ok but what about 20 trees and a lot of debris?
ur house is probably part of the debris by then lmao
schrodingers whip. How is it both unanchored and a whip at the same time.
Two anchor points per strap.
if one of them goes, the other is pretty likely to go as well. Unless you just didn’t secure it properly, in which case skill issue.
Hurricanes rip poorly built roofs off all the time. Builders get lazy and install the hurricane anchor things wrong. At least the local home inspector on Reddit used to say
I trust reddit posts too.
i would trust that redditor seeing how homes are often built lmao
That particular redditor had a long history of weekly posts with the shitty home builder work they inspected, but I hear the argument, I have no evidence other than hearsay and didn’t research it myself.
Ron White, is that you!?
They call me… Tater-Salad.
If your ass gets hit by a Volvo…
it’s* what the wind is blowing.
I wonder what the vibration frequency of those straps is, once the wind is blowing through them.
Will they vibrate the roof into mush before they pull out of the ground and become metal ended whips?
As someone who straps, I felt this in my soul. God I hate that noise(I use tarp clamps for dampeners).
I’ve used a twist in the strap and that seems to help a lot.
Gotta be careful though, twist in the strap can ruin the strength limit of the strap if it’s under load
Edit: others have pointed out it’s for cargo straps specifically. I guess I was thinking of more knotting than twists. Either way, just follow the instructions.
Someone tested this and found it to be basically not true.
Interesting. I was under the impression that the vibrations could be a problem if not twisted — apparently it’s a hotly debated topic, who knew!
This is how I was trained, yeah. No twists!!
Apparently this is a bit of a myth
That ain’t going anywhere.
- plucks ratchet strap as it’s tightening - “Bb…B, C…Db, D, D, D…Yeah’p. At’ll git er.”
until the ground it’s anchored to is converted into grassy diarrhea by the flooding
Concrete blocks 8ft into the ground
pats the front door with my hands
At least until Milton casually tosses a tree at it.
I appreciate your optimism by using the singular…
I saw the documentary once. The order is Tree, Cow, Tractor, and finally another House.
You forgot fuel truck
Dang it. I always forget one.
Ha! I thought that sounded like a “Twister” movie reference.
Isn’t that the tornado safety video everyone got in high school?
As long as someone is shredding death metal guitar on the roof throughout the storm, I approve.
Technically you’re not allowed to have a storm before there’s a dude shredding death metal on a rooftop.
slaps tightened straps “That’s not going anywhere”
Those are the magical words that make it happen. The straps are just for show.
If this homeowner is as good at tying down his house as the yokels around here are at tying down their cargo, then the odds are this house is somehow going to end up hitting my windshield.
Just tie some rope around it, that’ll hold!
Uploaded 3 hours ago!
I seriously want to know how it goes with his house. I give him props for trying.This is like congratulating Don Quixote for killing all the dragons.
It’s congratulating Don Quixote for trying to preserve chivalric code, no matter how misguided it may be, with the result being better than what you’d think at first glance.
Cervantes actually didn’t like the concept of chivalry and was considering a “companion” novel where he depicts chivalry as it really was. It’s pretty unfortunate that he never wrote it because I’m sure it would have been a classic.
Apparently, he’s not the first, and it might actually have a chance of working.
Jesus Diaz was afraid the roof would blow off. And while the straps are gone, the roof stayed put. His home didn’t sustain damage, either.
Meanwhile the row of houses a street over that got raked with his modern-day chain shot are ravaged
Yeah 6 ratchet straps are really gonna make a differencein damage in a fucking hurricane…smh.
Worth a try. If it does not work, it did not cost a fortune, if it does, good for the owner.
deleted by creator
You’d be surprized how strong an industrial screwed-in ground anchor holds. And it has to be anchored at the correct angle towards the load.
So, most likely, they will not just rip out, and they have a good chance to add a significant force holding down that roof.
If done properly, of course.
If the roof doesn’t crack from the added pressure points.
There seems to be an extra bar/pole at the top to distribute the load, though.
There is a news video about it, it’s anchored to concrete and rebar 8 feet deep or something like that
I’ve seen these deck strap things that you push way down into the ground and as you pull them up a little the flatten out and turn sideways. Really easy to install and harder than hell to pull out. I think it’s called an earth anchor maybe. I bet that’s what he used here.
yeah these look like footings to me, i see what looks to be a small concrete protuberance right out of the ground. Also these would likely just pull out of the ground if they weren’t anchored, and they wouldn’t be whips, just very odd debris.
Yeah I watched a short news clip with him in it and he said they are attached to concrete that goes 8 feet down.
Someone remind us of this works after Milton goes through this house.
For a 2k investment I’m willing to try it to save my home.
With all these experts in the comments, I now want the original sauce and to follow up to see what actually will happen.
YouTube recommended a video of this to me yesterday. The straps are anchored with cement. Seems like it buys him X additional mph of wind speed compared to his neighbors. We’ll see if the winds are in that “more than a regular roof can handle but less than the straps can hold” range.
Yyy, I’ve heard all the theoretical arguments. I now want to witness the experiment live. Or on camera.
I’ve heard all the theoretical arguments. I now want to witness the experiment live. Or on camera.
you can do a pretty simple small scale test, with something like popsicle stick houses, and instead of wind loading, static loading against the wall. It won’t scale perfectly, but it should demonstrate the concept.
pats roof
That ain’t going nowhere
This baby’ll hold a family of three
Seems like a plausible strategy. If the roof is lashed down it can’t catch the wind and therefore is less likely to weaken over time and go flying. Certainly better than doing nothing.
If it keeps the roof on maybe it’s not so dumb.
That’s exactly what the owner said it’s for in the video interview I saw
No, it’s dumb.
It’s not helping, but somehow I like the look of it.