• CoffeeJunkie@lemmy.cafe
    4 months ago

    As others have said, one did shoot up a school (and the MSM hid the manifesto & details forever). As your comment proves, they found out the shooter was trans & they tried to memory-hole that real hard. But that’s besides the point; evil & depraved people will be evil & depraved people. Doesn’t matter, trans or not.

    Main conservative talking points against trans people: They do not produce children, trans people are categorized as having a mental illness that should be treated instead of chopping off body parts, they really don’t like when health insurance money and/or tax dollars pay for elective surgery & treatments, fully transitioned people have their genitals mutilated & they’ll never experience an orgasm, once they’re chopped up a not insignificant number of trans people experience regret (permanent consequences for acting on temporary feelings), and trans people are more likely than the general population to have depression & commit suicide.

    With well-intentioned conservatives, it’s actually coming from place of care & compassion. They don’t want people to hurt themselves, deprive them of families & fullness of sexuality, or see them despair post-op & kill themselves.

    • VerticaGG@lemmy.blahaj.zone
      4 months ago

      Idk why OP feels it neccesary to conflate trans people with school shooters.

      Three components im enthusiastic to educate about on that note:

      1. https://www.politifact.com/article/2023/mar/31/no-evidence-growing-trend-trans-radicalization-or/l

      And 2) Shooters have been overwhelmingly men, overwhelmingly white, overwhelmingly boys-and-men. A majority of manifestos have direct mention of Right-wing extremism, oft inspired by the Turner Diaries and the like.

      1. What causes violent crime in society, and are there existing societies we can look to?


      the short version is that it starts in the home.

      Much violent crime can be traced back to cultural factors. Violent crime, such as murder, would probably decrease dramatically in an anarchist society because most of its causes — poverty, televised glorification of violence, prisons and police, warfare, sexism, and the normalization of individualistic and anti-social behaviors — would disappear or decrease.

      The differences between two Zapotec communities illustrates that peace is a choice. The Zapotec are a sedentary agrarian indigenous nation living on land that is now claimed by the state of Mexico. One Zapotec community, La Paz, has a yearly homicide rate of 3.4/100,000. A neighboring Zapotec community has the much higher homicide rate of 18.1/100,000. What social attributes go along with the more peaceful way of life? Unlike their more violent neighbors, the La Paz Zapotec do not beat children; accordingly, children see less violence and use less violence in their play. Similarly, wife-beating is rare and not considered acceptable; women are considered equal to men, and enjoy an autonomous economic activity that is important to the life of the community so they are not dependent on men. Regarding child-rearing, the implications of this particular comparison are corroborated by at least one cross-cultural study on socialization, which found that warm, affectionate socialization techniques correlate with low levels of conflict in society.


      As for the re-emergence of hierarchies, I think that the notion of anarchism is essentially ‘checks and balances’ turned up to 11. You get to a society that’s an ecosystem of fluid social relationships, and an anti-authoritarian culture which makes it impossible in a million ways for anyone to accumulate power. If we could get there, I think it would be more robust than current liberal democracy, where the branches of government can cooperate and you need buy-in from less people to enable power to be accumulated.

      IMO, good anarchist praxis is to 1) encourage and popularize anti-authoritarian parenting methods and 2) build strong community groups and mutual aid networks.

      I concur with this analysis and conclusion.

    • VerticaGG@lemmy.blahaj.zone
      4 months ago

      Chopped off, mutilated, never enjoy life again.

      Lmao tell me you’re a bigot who’s never met a trans person, without saying so.

      Thats not how any of this works.

      • Surgery is almost always for adults, does not work by “chopping” anything. It is a delicate and complex medical and surgical procedure. (You’re fine with the mutilation of intersex infants genitals and the mutilation that is circumcision being forced on infants, tho, I bet, as your Daddy says that’s ok, huh?)

      • Quite the opposite from never enjoying carnal-consensual-interactions again, I and many of my trans cousins are simply listening to our bodies tell us that it needs to change to properly experience it. For most, it takes the form of revulsion-from-the-incongruence of having been born with parts that make them want to dissociate.


      This is such victim blaming. It is impossible to go through a world that seems like it wants to drink your blood, just because of your intrinsic traits – without accruing trauma.

      Trauma and being open about it is not “mental illness”. In fact, it’s the only way to heal from that externally-caused burden.

      I guarantee you’re not an expert on the well being of the meeting of the mind and the brain, or “mental illness” to take the thinking of ableist, nazi-originated, antiquated past-medical-thought.

      And you’re certainly no expert on anyone else’s body.

      So dont be surprised when this kind of thinking turns you into someone that people dont want to be around.

      • CoffeeJunkie@lemmy.cafe
        4 months ago

        … … …

        Nooooooooooooooooooobody cares.

        The question was: “Why does it seem most people, mainly conservatives, against Trans people? Unless I am wrong I never heard of one shooting up a school church or whatever. The ones I have met have been pretty cool.”

        I carefully listed off all the conservative talking points about why they’re anti-trans. Which answers the question. This…is what…conservatives…think.

        I never claimed to be an expert on any of this bullshit; I’ve got better things to do with my life. Goodbye.