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Joined 8 months ago
Cake day: May 28th, 2024

  • Correct. 🙂 Reminds me of when I wanted new tires & I was complaining about how some tires were rated for a criminally short life. I wondered which ones lasted the longest.

    The mechanic then remarked that sure, they can make tires that last a hell of a long time & never puncture. But the ride would be so terrible because the tires would be tough, stiff, would work your suspension harder, and it would cost a fortune to boot. It’s not worth it. There are multiple material, usage considerations when making a product. Really makes you appreciate the experts in their various fields.

  • …concentration…camps? Poison gas showers, slave labor, cremation ovens? Concentration camps, designed to slaughter people en masse?

    I agree, they were overcrowded because there were so many illegal immigrants. There were a few deaths, and even abuses, I read some of them. I’m not cheering for things like that.

    But to label detention camps as concentration camps like Nazi Germany, that’s not even close to true. If we’re calling those concentration camps, I must say, they are the worst concentration camps in the history of the world. Or does that, ironically, make them the best? The concentration camps with the least deaths.

    I don’t recall us going into Mexico & other countries, rounding up foreign citizens, and bringing them to the United States specifically to be killed in concentration camps as an ethnic cleansing.

  • All 5 of them. “We just don’t want to be put in concentration camps.” Just a little bit of hyperbole.

    They weren’t thrown into concentration camps in 2016-20, and it is very likely if not guaranteed that they won’t be put into concentration camps now. If anyone tries to put them into concentration camps, I support them being armed & defending their rights to freedom.

    There is a lot of ignorance about firearms, and by people who admit in the article they have not owned or operated firearms. If they are of sound mind & judgment & educate themselves on firearm safety, I see no problem with this movement. Knowledge dispels fear. An armed, educated populace isn’t enslaved. I want everyone who is good to also be strong, smart, armed, and free.

  • Upvoted, also torn. Because even if this person or any individual wants to “stand against” assholes so “they don’t give them all the power”, effects will probably be minimal but the effort expended won’t be.

    I had some people giving me shit when I was in my young to mid-twenties. My dad’s advice: “Prove them wrong! Do x, do y, do z…” So…do all these things & live your life…to gain the approval of assholes, people who don’t really matter, people you don’t like? Nah. I’m going to do what I want.

    I know my personal experience doesn’t map perfectly on your conversation & points, but idk I think it’s similar. I think they have the power because they’re assholes, because they seek out power over others. Perhaps the best course of action is to ignore the assholes & not give them any more of your time, consideration than is absolutely necessary. Live your life the way you want to live it.

    Back to the main convo, idk. Personally, I find myself becoming more anti-natal. Have strong prevention game. An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.

  • As others have said, one did shoot up a school (and the MSM hid the manifesto & details forever). As your comment proves, they found out the shooter was trans & they tried to memory-hole that real hard. But that’s besides the point; evil & depraved people will be evil & depraved people. Doesn’t matter, trans or not.

    Main conservative talking points against trans people: They do not produce children, trans people are categorized as having a mental illness that should be treated instead of chopping off body parts, they really don’t like when health insurance money and/or tax dollars pay for elective surgery & treatments, fully transitioned people have their genitals mutilated & they’ll never experience an orgasm, once they’re chopped up a not insignificant number of trans people experience regret (permanent consequences for acting on temporary feelings), and trans people are more likely than the general population to have depression & commit suicide.

    With well-intentioned conservatives, it’s actually coming from place of care & compassion. They don’t want people to hurt themselves, deprive them of families & fullness of sexuality, or see them despair post-op & kill themselves.

  • Great questions, and you need to familiarize yourself with the correct answers. Generally memorize the protocols. I’m going to regurgitate what I have internalized & point you to online resources to educate yourself further.

    Preparations made well in advance really give an advantage to survival.

    As soon as a nuke is dropped, go the fuck home. Turn on your faucets & fill all sinks & bathtubs, as this may be the last of your easy, clean, potable water you’ll get from the grid for who knows how long.

    One of the biggest & best things you can do is shelter in place, I think for a week. Radioactive fallout & the heavy alpha particles will be everywhere, and blow everywhere. Cover all windows & doors with Visqueen sheeting & duct tape, control & eliminate the travel of random-ass particulates. After 1 week, the radioactive potency of the dust particles should be reduced by 85-90%. That’s huge. So shut your windows & doors, seal everything up, and sit your ass down. It could save your life.

    Shelter in place requires food, water, preps. I think it’s overkill, but overkill is also kind of what you need/want, 1 gallon of water per person per day. When Russia started getting on their shit, people were buying up iodine tabs. This harmless substance negates the harmful effects of potential radioactive exposure via your food & drink. The trick is you have to take this stuff a set amount of time…before…exposure to radioactive particles. It protects your thyroid gland, IIRC. Have water, have food, maybe have a container or two of those fancy tablets.

    Especially in the earlier days, you help others by being able to help yourself. If there are assistance efforts, you can turn them down & the help can go to others in more dire need.

    We can, and do, talk about prepping things for years on end. I would recommend you tune in to Canadian Prepper (hey,I watched some of the video after & I didn’t do too badly!)

    Yes, Canadian Prepper touches on this. In my words: information is good. But the authorities, and other people, may lie or not tell the entire truth. They tell you what they want you to know. Good advice in general.

  • There is one case I know of personally, I don’t think it technically falls under the description of rape but I consider it rape. Husband & wife, wife wanted kid. Husband did not. Their birth control was pill-based oral contraceptive. Wife very purposefully moved off that birth control without telling the husband, husband was just raw-dogging her because “she was on the pill”…lo & behold…she gets pregnant.

    She’s not very smart, and she has told a number of people about this deception & laughs about it. HAHAHA, oh, so funny, yeah that’s rape. You took advantage of your husband & used his reproductive abilities against his explicit wishes. You raped your husband. Had yourself a little rape-baby. Hilarious stuff (stupid broad).

    Again, I don’t think that’s currently covered under rape. But goddamn I think it should be (although it’s harder to prove without confession/admission).