I live in a big city in the center. When i activate “Show bluetooth devices without names” in the developer settings of my android 13 phone, there appear loads of this devices. I have no clue what they are. Does anyone know? Are that the bluetooth nanobots of the vaxxinated people? (/s to last question!)
So many electronics now have a Bluetooth chip, wether they use it or not. If you have AirPods, that’s up to 3 BY devices (each ear plus case), each phone, each computer (+ mouse, keyboard), TV (+ remote controls), game pads, Bluetooth speakers (plus extra of stereo or 5.1). A lot of small devices too now have Bluetooth like some Arduino boards can Raspberry Pi,
Every single node in any form of “smart home” networks including color changing light bulbs
Most of those use other networks - Zwave, Zigbee, or WiFi.
Many of them use Bluetooth or BLE for setup purposes and im sure some don’t bother to stop advertising
That makes sense.
I use Philips hue and totally hated when they started adding Bluetooth to their products. Why anyone would need that is beyond.
My god the wifi lightbulbs make me want to cry, at least mine crypto or something with that heat source
Just how much power do you think those suckers are using in standby!?
Depends on how much you paid for them 😹 also I’m more worried about when they stop going into standby because they become the bastion of a botnet trying to get into my other machines
So I have to worry about my lamp pwning my clothes dryer?
What a future we live in!