The reason cited by the mods is misinformation. Not supporting violence, or any other reason. Saying that Luigi isn’t the shooter is considered misinformation and trolling.
In America, the law is innocent until proven guilty. But on, the rule is guilty until proven innocent, and anyone saying the accused is innocent is a troll.
Some people in this thread are probably going to ask why Luigi is innocent. It’s a valid question, so let’s answer it here: The weapon was a 3D printed disposable gun. They’re meant to be thrown away as soon as they’re used. The shooter did dispose of a bag full of monopoly money, but the police say the gun wasn’t disposed of. That doesn’t make any sense. The shooter wouldn’t carry the gun across state lines and then hang out in McDonald’s with the murder weapon and a manifesto. Luigi says the evidence was planted, and his story makes more sense than the feds’. Maybe the feds are telling the truth, but when it comes to “reasonable doubt”, there is some very reasonable doubt that Luigi did it.
EDIT: mods removed another comment:
have you considered that luigi is just a normal person with the gall and had problems in his plan? i think it’s reasonable to keep a manifesto in hopes of its publishing
or maybe that was the goal
either way, you should not be claiming this as if it were true. it’s only a possibility right now
What do you think reasonable doubt means?
it’s a lower standard than “it’s a fact that he did not do it”
Also he may not have planned on living. Everyone is questioning why he didn’t Jason Bourne his way into obscurity but he may just have hit the end of his plan, sat down, and got a sprite
Any reputable source about this?
Ghost gun does not mean 3D printed. It’s a very frustrating new connotation, as someone who would very much like people to stop assuming 3D printing people all print out guns or whatever.
Ghost gun means it isn’t traceable in the same way that non-ghost guns are, be it because the serial has been filed off or never existed or what have you.
Good point.
Drag isn’t sure what to believe, whether the gun was 3D printed or not. The report says yes but the chief says maybe.
I’ll be happy to change my tune when the trial sets out the facts, these facts at least aren’t overly-controversial so I have no reason to distrust them when the come out in court. Mostly just a decade-long hobbyist watching regulations come out of NY already (background check for a fancy automatic hot glue gun, wow that sure is saving kids good job) that set them against 3D printer ownership in general and becoming frustrated with the connotation and how it taints perceptions of my fun cool hobby. I wouldn’t be surprised if the chief is just saying buzzwords that play well to the media based off of misunderstood reporting by his subordinates that then gets spun into “he totally 3D printed 50 guns” or whatever.
His lawyer, bruh!
Swears that this is the most injusticy injustice that our courts have ever seen.