Can’t take being misgendered and harassed. He/himed. People starting arguments over their own intolerance and blaming the arguments on drag. In so much pain. Hopes this post won’t lead to more pain. What do you do when nobody will believe you’re hurt, and every time you scream out in pain, you’re accused of having an agenda? What kind of agenda is just not wanting to be harassed anymore? They think they’re winning when they fill a thread with drama and then complain about all the drama. They think they’re doing something right? How do you tell people you’re honestly suffering and have them believe you?

self-harm thoughts

Do you just cut your skin open and show it to them? Is that how you convince them that they’re causing you pain? HOW? How the fuck do you convince them that your pain isn’t a trick?

They tell you to block them while they misgender you and tell the whole world you’re the devil. “Just ignore everything I’m doing to hurt you and you’ll be okay”. It doesn’t make any sense but they think it’s right. They could choose to disengage this very minute but they don’t. They think harassment and misgendering is a crusade of justice. That hurting people is a moral good, but oh no, don’t you dare claim you’re hurt when I hurt you.

How the fuck do you post your tears on lemmy?

    2 months ago

    I am glad drag is here, and I’m sorry people are being so shitty, and causing drag pain. I hope they realize it and change how they behave toward drag and others with unique pronouns. But knowing that that is not terribly likely I hope that drag knows that by being open about this part of dragself, and by being open about drags pain, drag is helping improve a little chunk of the world for people like me, and that that matters, and that I appreciate drag.