Can’t take being misgendered and harassed. He/himed. People starting arguments over their own intolerance and blaming the arguments on drag. In so much pain. Hopes this post won’t lead to more pain. What do you do when nobody will believe you’re hurt, and every time you scream out in pain, you’re accused of having an agenda? What kind of agenda is just not wanting to be harassed anymore? They think they’re winning when they fill a thread with drama and then complain about all the drama. They think they’re doing something right? How do you tell people you’re honestly suffering and have them believe you?

self-harm thoughts

Do you just cut your skin open and show it to them? Is that how you convince them that they’re causing you pain? HOW? How the fuck do you convince them that your pain isn’t a trick?

They tell you to block them while they misgender you and tell the whole world you’re the devil. “Just ignore everything I’m doing to hurt you and you’ll be okay”. It doesn’t make any sense but they think it’s right. They could choose to disengage this very minute but they don’t. They think harassment and misgendering is a crusade of justice. That hurting people is a moral good, but oh no, don’t you dare claim you’re hurt when I hurt you.

How the fuck do you post your tears on lemmy?

    2 months ago

    Yeah, there’s plenty of sucky people unfortunately.

    I’m sorry you’re hurting.

    Fwiw, and I know it isn’t worth much, I think you being willing to address the issues the way you do is a good thing. It’s one of the things that edged me across the line into believing you aren’t trolling. You’ve made me, personally, think harder about several issues, and even shift my opinions a good bit. Dunno if you remember me saying I’d think about what you said regarding neopronouns. But I did, and I still am. You, your words, shifted my opinion on that.

    You’re right. The degree of sheer nastiness pointed your way when you have never that I’ve seen offered anything more than mild snark to anyone, it is absurd.

    Hell, if you responded to this saying that you have been trolling all along, I’d still be glad you were here on lemmy, doing what you’re doing. If you aren’t just being a normal, decent person trying to be yourself, you have sure as hell fooled me. And, to me, even if it was a troll, it amounts to the exact same thing as the reality of what you bring to the rest of us.

    No bullshit, no jokes, and even with not necessarily agreeing with every stance you take, I’m glad you’re here.

    I hope that it’s enough be a bit of a bandaid on the stress. I know I’m not the only one that likes seeing you around, though not many folks say it.

    I’ve got a friend that’s a semi-regular lurker of lemmy. We’ve talked about you out in the non digital world. I know he respects you a lot. He was throwing around terms like badass.

    So, if you’ve got tears to shed, shed them with the knowledge that no matter how much hate there is towards you, it isn’t everyone.

    • Dragon Rider@lemmy.worldOP
      2 months ago

      Thank you so very much. That does mean more to drag than all the commiseration and advice in the other thread. Drag made this post on 196 too, before drag remembered that drag has a account that can post here (this community unbanned drag’s NZ account, but the unban didn’t federate).

      The other thread had some very nice people. But hearing that drag’s existence made the world a better place is something else. It’s easier to think that being drag is worth it. Drag gets worried sometimes that the transphobes are right, and drag existing really does just cause more hate. Drag never actually believes it, but abuse messes with your self-esteem. It’s easy to blame yourself for being a victim.

      So thank you very very much. And drag does remember you.

  • Diva (she/her)@lemmy.mlM
    2 months ago

    I wanted to say that I appreciate drag being out there with neopronouns, we may disagree on some things, but I still stand by you on this. Fuck the haters, they’re showing their whole ass.

    I also appreciate drag pushing the bounds on language, even if it sometimes became hard for me to read. I’m better off for having to think a little more about things anyways.

    Part of the reason I have solidarity with drag is because I’ve also received a lot of shit over the years from people misgendering me because they don’t like my political opinions (real or imagined). It’s never acceptable, even if you think the person has some sort of hidden agenda- it just upholds transphobia as socially acceptable.

      2 months ago

      Can you explain to the curious why it would be a neopronoun, as opposed to referring to oneself in third person?

      What’s the difference?

      • Dragon Rider@lemmy.worldOP
        2 months ago

        Drag is a person-independent neopronoun. Drag is using the first person to refer to dragself, it just doesn’t look different from using third person because it’s the same pronoun. The difference between a pronoun and a noun is that a pronoun is a shorter word standing in for a noun. The noun is Dragon Rider, and the pronoun is drag.

          2 months ago

          So am I right in thinking you consider yourself more important than other people, to the point you think that everyone should have to learn a specific pronoun just for you?

          Can you imagine if everyone did that? Is it because your parents didn’t pay you enough attention?

            2 months ago

            People have to learn people’s names (noun), so asking people to learn a pronoun once they know you doesnt seem like a big ask to me. If sharing how you want to be referred to like drag does was more normalized, it would certainly make some things way easier for me, a transfem who gets default he/himmed all the time. I am glad drag shares this.

          • Dragon Rider@lemmy.worldOP
            2 months ago

            Drag thinks everyone should have the right to use their own pronouns. So drag supposes that drag must think everyone is more important than you think they are.

    2 months ago

    For what it’s worth I never thought drag were a troll and found it very inspiring and brave of drag to keep being drags true self even when others were very shitty towards drag, however it is a shame that it’s even a battle drag has to fight. I will also say that drag has made me a better and more accepting person, obviously we haven’t interacted much but drag being here and posting drag memes has made me understand nounself pronouns a lot more. Hell a friend of mine recently came out and uses nano as the pronoun. So I thank drag for being drag and even if it doesn’t seem like it drag has made a good difference to the people in this community and even for the whole community!

    (Ps not sure if using you is okay or should I use drag instead, if it’s drag then I’ll edit the post)

      1 month ago

      I will also say that drag has made me a better and more accepting person

      Same. At first I was one of the people who downvoted drag, but seeing drag always use the correct pronouns and face hate for it made me realize that it isn’t just a gimmick and that that “I should self reflect on this”.

    2 months ago

    I am glad drag is here, and I’m sorry people are being so shitty, and causing drag pain. I hope they realize it and change how they behave toward drag and others with unique pronouns. But knowing that that is not terribly likely I hope that drag knows that by being open about this part of dragself, and by being open about drags pain, drag is helping improve a little chunk of the world for people like me, and that that matters, and that I appreciate drag.