They stopped getting my money the moment they started slapping Denuvo on every game they release anyway.
Not buying any game that has denuvo is one of the few hard rules I follow
And I whispered back… No.
They don’t have the IPs for me to care. Unless I am hyped for the game I instantly uninstall games that require me to sign up for their shitty newsletter and notifications.
Eh, Yakuza is pretty good.
And persona / SMT
Aw man, am I gonna have to update my Dreamcast?
I groan at yet another account situation… But I adore RGG’s work, and will do anything for more Yakuza. Yakuza 3-5 remastered was the reason I even got myself a PS5. Yakuza 0 and Kiwami were the reason I got my PS4.
Is that a good thing? Aren’t others now starting to revert that decision because people don’t like that?
depends on implementation. one pro situation is if cross platform saves is enabled by such a service.
It should always be optional and opt-in. Tell me what I’m missing out on and I’ll decide if I’ll login. But if it’s feasible to offer it without an account, it should be.
Sega have always been a few steps behind the curve.
Last I heard they were going to do their own subscription service, which is an iffy thing for most publishers, but borders on being absolutely fucking mental for Sega to try it.
I wouldn’t say always. They arguably jumped on the internet bandwagon too early back on Genesis with Sega Channel.
This tracks for SEGA.