Graffiti is a spectrum: on one hand, you get beautiful murals that add something to the structure, making it more than what it was.
On the other hand, you get dicks and swastikas.
Tattoos are the same way. There’s a difference between someone having a beautiful sleeve done and someone who has TRUMP tattooed on their forehead.
An example to further your point: I have an album of these I took earlier this year. It was exciting to stumble across.
I was stuck at some train tracks in my area, and some of the graffiti on the trains left a gap around the safety information about weight limits and such.
Not all of them did. Those that didn’t had to be painted over and re-written, but only the safety section. They left the rest alone.
There was some mutual acceptance happening on both sides of the effort that warmed my heart.
As a graffiti enthusiast, I can say that is definitely part of “the rules”. Graffiti has a code of conduct, depite it appearing like anarchy. Many new writers are ignorant of it. Don’t tag:
- Personal property
- Places of religion
- Memorials
- Shipping or cargo data (like those train cars)
- Places that are kept clean/painted (it’s going to get covered frequently)
I’ve never been a fan of tattoos. They look awful and, in the case of women distract from beauty, not add to it. That said, they can do whatever the hell they want. It’s not my body or problem and they ain’t hurting anyone.
depends on the tattoo, there’s some adorable ones out there, this one is what me and my sister are gonna get because I love frogs (username) and hers is gonna be a black cat because she has a black cat
Random tattoos that are full black just for the hell of it aren’t that interesting, however, you do you boo.
Maybe not all women actually want you to be looking at them thinking ‘Wow, beautiful, yum.’ So many women get so much shit from men every day all the time, often since they were still wearing school uniform. Like you say, it’s not your body and they ain’t hurting anyone. I just think it’s really easy to understand why some women want to take ownership of their skin when there’s so many arsehole men thinking they’ve got a right to stare and touch it.
Did you stop reading after the second sentence or are you saying that he’s not allowed to have that opinion because some girl somewhere might disagree with it
He can have an opinion and it can also be really boring misogyny.
They look awful and, in the case of women distract from beauty, not add to it.
You did the thing where you gave a very personal, subjective, opinion as if it was a pure fact. You probably meant “it distracts me from their beauty” but you wrote it as if it’s a universal truth that applies to everyone.
Ehh I dunno… I don’t agree with him but we don’t have to preface our opinions with “this is just how I feel, but…”.
If I say “this pizza is horrible”, it’s clear that it’s just something I think and not everyone has to share that opinion. The subjectivity of the statement kinda speaks for itself y’know?
“this pizza is horrible” isn’t misogyny though, so it doesn’t benefit from the distancing.
You did the thing where you policed the way someone else phrased their opinion by purposely misunderstanding their intent. He literally began his post by stating an opinion.
Why is it always femme people this bullshit is directed at? Why aren’t the hyper masculine tattooed manosphere influencers ever chastised for their jingoistic tribal alt right nazi sigils engraved on their bodies?
Because graffiti is artwork you do on someone else’s property.
And in the maga brain, a man’s body is his own, but a woman’s body…¯\_(ツ)_/¯
I hate that this makes sense
Yup conservatives don’t see an individual happy with their own choices. They just think, “if that was my wife/daughter I’d restrict her freedoms so she wouldn’t have any tattoos.”
In a word yes. And also the inherent threat of violence that allows for the patriarchy that precludes misogyny.
No no, they have a point.
I don’t see any nazi iconography in the image OP posted, can you point them out to me?
I was applying the claim to something else
If you are talking about graffiti on buildings then you haven’t been to Frankfurt if you’ve not seen nazi imagery
Lemmy cannot handle abstract reasoning. If you change the scenario at all to make a point, they shit circuit
We really didn’t need to bring the “criticizing our community in the third person” farce over from reddit. You are Lemmy too, and I suspect you can handle abstract reasoning, yes?
Thinking you’re a special online community is also a reddit trope.
If you have to change the scenario to make your point then your point doesn’t belong in this comment section.
It’s a common way to illustrate a point, by describing it with other variables.
Your reply is telling lol
Telling of what? The dude brought up something that didn’t happen in the image and being like “Oh yeah well you’re wrong because of something irrelevant”
I’m not bothered by the amount of tattoos. I’m bothered by the nazi swastika front and center. I would be just as bothered if they were just wearing a nazi arm band or Trump hat.
You’re pretty close to the point.
The point is that it’s subjective, and given the right content or quantity, it looks bad to you.
No, I think I’m on the point. I don’t care about other people’s appearances and I don’t care to subject other people to what I think self respect looks like. I’m bothered by what their morals are and how they’re going to make that my problem. Nazi tattoos mean that person wants to make life worse for other people. I’m not bothered by the dye, but by the ideas they represent. The woman in the picture doesn’t have any hate symbols that I recognize.
You find the tattoos distasteful for a reason of your own. I share such a reason, but it’s your own. Therefore you find the display graffiti-like: a blight on the visual landscape (in that interpretation of grafatti)
Edit The significance of Nazi iconography being distasteful is an easy one, and that’s why it was used as an alternative display to prove the point.
I was applying the claim to something else
What are you applying the claim to?
Why the reference to illegal Nazi iconography in Frankfurt? The building posted looks to me to be in the contiguous US.
You posted an image of a person’s mugshot who has a swastika on their forehead and I assumed you were conflating their tattoos to the person in the original image of this post.
What are you applying the claim to?
People with nazi tattoos
Why the reference to illegal Nazi iconography in Frankfurt? The building posted looks to me to be in the contiguous US.
I thought you might not have known racist graffiti existed
were conflating their tattoos to the person in the original image of this post.
Oh no, nothing about her. Just the “Tattoos = graffiti, guys” part was applied to the person I posted
I don’t think that building has very nice tits
I’ve had enough with this sort of edefice shaming.
Her tattoos do specifically have that “Here’s a blank spot where I can put some shit” feel to them.
Like I’ve seen cool tattoos, hers aren’t. Shitty tattoos look like graffiti. And those aren’t even “I’ve got pieces of a BIC pen and some rubbing alcohol, you can draw, right?” shitty tattoos, those are “Hey man it’s your forehead. Keep this bandage dry for three days then wash it when you take a shower. That’ll be 80 bucks.” grade tattoos.
Holy crap! How many guys have tagged you?
She would look way better without the tats. Even this shitty building would look better without this artless crap. And how is this a political take?
Comparing women to objects tends to be more frowned upon by civilized people, which excludes the right.
You’re welcome to find whatever you like attractive. She clearly doesn’t care about your opinion.
I’m sure my opinion is as worthless to her as hers is to me. And btw nobody is comparing the woman to the object, the point is that the aesthetic is similar. Applies to all sexes and objects. Imho the building tags are not art, or at least not good art. And her snakes, bugs and Japanese masks are so tired and trite, everyone does the same stuff. Yay.
Because it’s essentially saying that her decision to get tattoos is the equivalent of her vandalizing her body. It’s a meme criticizing a woman for choosing what she wants to do with her body, which is just a tamer version of “your body my choice”.
I saw that more like a criticism of the tattooing style, not her life decisions. Your body my choice is downright authoritarian. I don’t see how it relates to this.
Even if it is a criticism of the tattooing style it’s still likening it to vandalism. It doesn’t change the message behind the meme.
See what you and I call vandalism on that building some call art.
And the meme completely breaks down if the building is considered art so let’s not play dumb. We both know in this meme the building isn’t representing art.
The meme suggests that this beautiful woman made herself less attractive by getting tattoos. People who tend to agree with that statement are not necessarily nazis fascists sexists Trump voters rapists church goers and so on, despite the fact that many of that ilk share similar sentiments (but for completely different reasons). Believe it or not, not everyone likes this aesthetic and this is not political.
If you think “I don’t like tattoos on women” is the same as “women with tattoos look like vandalized buildings” then you’re missing the nuances necessary to have this discussion.
That’s just like, your opinion, man.
Wonder how old people feel about their tattoos like does it look wierd and saggy.
How do you think old people feel about all the actually old and saggy things? Our actual skin becomes something unrecognizable why would what’s on it be expected to stay perfect?
I guess what I’m saying is do they still feel it was worth it. Seeing the canvas warp over time.
I’m also wondering if there are parts of my body that would be better if I wanted to preserve the integrity of a tattoo like my back. I dk.
Call me whatever you want, but like anything else, too much of a good thing is bad for you.
All freedom to her, and I like tatoos, but I think her assortment of tattoos is a bit ugly.
Dispose of your body as you choose but there is a very fine line that parts complimenting from exagerating. The girl in the photo, for me, is already on exageration territory.
Too much ink, with too many tattoos, with no connecting theme, and taking up areas where ink - again, for me - just doesn’t sit right, like hands and throat.
But because opinions are worth nothing, this is all hot air escaping mouths.
I fw these heavy🙏😔