When will be your “this is the last fucking time I’m voting for the ‘lesser of two evils’, then I don’t care after that, let this country burn to the ground”? For me, this is basically it. This is last election I’m going for that " lesser of two evils" bullshit. After that I’m done. It’s just pointless. Let’s hear it.
I’ll keep voting for the less evil option until I’m physically unable to vote.
You’re probably gonna continue reading doomer posts on the internet, getting grey hairs and high blood pressure
But the one chance you can do something to change things
You just won’t?
It demonstrably does not change anything outside local elections.
As someone whose local election ousted a literal fascist, never forget local elections, folks.
Your vote matters just as much as everyone else’s. So you’re saying nobody’s vote matters? Clearly that’s not the case. Unless there’s something special about your vote compared to everyone else’s. I understand what you’re getting at, but the conclusion that you shouldn’t vote is flawed.
Your vote doesn’t decide the election on its own. Does that mean it doesn’t matter? Absolutely not.
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Le epic redditer moment
Your vote matters just as much as everyone else’s.
Unless you live in non-swing state in which case your vote literally means nothing as you’re a minority voter for at least the next 30 years. Even then, the vote of someone in a state with a small population gives more of a share of electoral college votes than a populous state. Plus the whole 2 senators a state thing etc etc.
Your whole position is flawed. You’re reversing the responsibility of ensuring people get to vote. Politicians are well paid professionals whose entire job is to ensure that their political plans come to fruition. Blaming some doomer online for the failures of the party is completely missing the point.
Le epic redditer moment
Look dude we’re both insufferable, let’s stay on topic
If you believe your vote doesn’t matter, then you believe nobody’s vote matters. Clearly that’s not true. I get that voting for the less popular candidate won’t win the election for you. Boo hoo. Don’t conflate “losing the election” with “not mattering” though.
If you believe your vote doesn’t matter, you either believe:
- all votes are not equal (within a given election) or
- the elections are entirely rigged
If you believe your vote doesn’t matter, you either believe: all votes are not equal (within a given election).
Yeah, like I explained in my original comment in great detail exactly how and why certain votes are not equal.
I struck a nerve with the redditor comment considering you responded to that 4 word sentence but not the paragraph explaining basic American Electoral structure.
You fool! Youve taken the bait. I am 3 moves ahead and your fate is sealed
What makes those votes unequal?
You fool! Youve taken the bait. I am 3 moves ahead and your fate is sealed
Grown adult saying this btw. God, I was less cringe in high school.
the elections are entirely rigged
DING DING DING! One hand washes the other, the Overton Window ratchets to the right with no pushback from the democrats, and this was ALL rigged from the start to ensure the settlers never had to give up the power they stole, raped, murdered, and genocided for. The problem is, you can never accept this answer; because it would mean confronting the difficult idea that everything you were ever taught as a child in the west was a fucking lie, meant to keep you thoughtlessly benefiting off their system.
And since you are benefiting, and have been benefiting for so long, you’ll do any thing, and throw any one under the bus to keep those benefits pouring. I don’t even know why I’m wasting the electrons when I know you’re just going to posture like the insufferable liberal smuggard you’ve come off as thus far, I’m going to ache for the death of your country and the falsehoods your leaders claim as morals, and we’ll both have gotten nowhere but closer to the heat death of the universe-- or maybe just the climate apocalypse that your leaders seem hellbent on ignoring as we sail right past 2C this year. 25 years ahead of schedule.
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Your vote matters just as much as everyone else’s.
That is mathematically not true, the electoral college exists. Also, the candidate with less votes than their opponent has won 1/3 of US elections in the 21st century. So even if the voters go out and vote, there is a 1/3 chance the person that gets the most votes will lose the election in modern US politics.
Fuckers learned nothing from 2016 and want us to skip merrily down their spiral of ignorance and evil right along with them, ignoring the evidence of our eyes the entire way
How does it change anything
Republicans took away Americans’ right to an abortion by voting for Trump. Is that nothing to you?
You could also say democrats didn’t do enough to protect abortion rights.
Protect abortion rights from what?
I’m just sick of it all.
That’s fair. I’m just trying to say, consider how you direct that resentment. It might be far healthier in the long run to limit how much you consume news media, rather than swearing off voting
Welcome to adulthood.
You’re going to be worse than sick of it all when through action or inaction, you allow a proven authoritarian to take power. Then, you will no longer HAVE a choice and you think the government sucks now? You’ve got a rude awakening on the horizon.
Maybe we NEED shit to get majorly worse so people can actually take action and make the change they need themselves? I feel like people are getting complacent with the Democrats’ bullshit argument of “hey, look at us, we are a teeny meeny bit better than the other guys. See? Aaaahhhh. Now stfu and vote for us and be thankful”. I feel like this is their way of not doing much, and doing very little to look better than the other fuckers.
You’re not making sense. You’re “sick of it all” so you want to make things catastrophically worse. It’s at best an ill-considered position, at worst one might think you are spreading a terrible idea on purpose.
I understand your position on what I’m saying. It’s fucked up, I know. Nothing in our politics makes shit of a sense either.
I’m with you penguin. I’ll vote for neoliberalism to fend off fascism, but having to vote for genocide in another country to fend off fascism in America is a bitter pill. Biden has year to make amends though, he may turn it around. But he lost a lot of voters over Gaza.
It’s Netanyahu doing the bombing – not Biden
And whose money paid for the bombs? Paid for the air ‘defense’? Paid for the extensive air force? Bet my left eye that’s Amerikan greenbacks.
The choice is pretty clear cut. Either vote Democrat or help out a convicted rapist/fraudster who also happens to be a Nazi.
As long as it takes until the youth voting rate matches that of the elderly and we get good options that actually change anything…
But that would rely on us getting out and voting instead of bitching online so I don’t have much hope.
Probably the last time I voted. American democracy is a fucking scam
Don’t say that, you’re going to be chased out very soon by the “fall in line” mob. They’re fucking worse than Republicans. If you don’t fall in line, they’ll eat you alive.
Nope. Encouraging voting is categorically not worse than the Republicans.
We have preferential voting here, so I stick the lesser of two evils in front of the evil party but behind the people I actually want in power.
You guys were voting based on “lesser of two evils” and not based on who you actually like?
I’ve always just voted for the guy I like best. I never felt that voting tactically was truthful.
If everyone was like me we’d have a nicer political climate, I think.
I’ll keep doing that so you can feel free to join me in doing that until we reach the critical mass point.
That assumes that there are any viable candidates running that we actually like. That’s becoming more and more a pipe dream, haven’t seen one since Obama.
Since Obama? Drone king, slavery-in-Libya Obama? Riotous.
Obama was in office 7 years ago. “Since Obama” was day before yesterday in political terms.
And? Ever since he left office it’s been one piece of shit after another. It shouldn’t be too much to ask for a presidential candidate to be something besides “less terrible than the other guy”.
Sometimes I have to write someone in, but it still counts as a vote!
That person is not a viable candidate, and you’ve basically just helped out the greater of two evils by refusing to oppose him.
Since you’re talking specifically about the presidential election, I actually am helping my candidate, since if I and others can get 1% of the popular vote for someone, then they can get easier access to ballots, debates, and federal funding next time.
No, you’re not helping your candidate, your candidate is beyond help. They’re going to lose. Either Biden is going to win, or Trump is going to win, and if you vote for anyone but Biden, you’re complicit in helping Trump.
That’d require there to have ever been a candidate I like. There hasn’t been, at least on the federal level
You can always skip offices that don’t have a good candidate.
Spoiled votes are tracked as a separate statistic!
Continued complacency by people bitching about candidates not being good enough is how we’re on the knifes edge of destroying our democracy here in the states.
I don’t like the people I vote for, but I sure as fuck would rather live in our current neolib hellscape than the psuedotheocratic bullshit the loudest voices in the GOP so clearly want. Sitting on your ass enables exactly that
Put up a non-genocidal climate expert who’s actually willing to disenfranchise Big Oil, then we can talk; til then, die nameless :)
I dunno, pretty much my entire life it’s been choosing between degrees of evil in one party and degrees of capitalist greed sucking from another. None of the alternative parties have fielded a candidate I could support either, but that’s not the point
The point is that there aren’t two evil parties. There’s one of those, and one other party that’s full of shit, but not evil. Then there’s a bunch that are just useless because we have a first past the post system. Not that any of them are exactly bastions of goodness, even the ones that are closer to my views. They’re all fucking politicians. Never fully trust anyone that wants that kind of power and authority.
But, let’s be clear here. There’s only one party that literally courts neo-nazi votes and works to undo not only legal rights, but human rights.
Vote for useful things and voting reform at the local level.
Vote for whatever keeps the system itself functioning at the federal level. If one party’s leaders are in bed with “presidents for life” or the authoritarian governments that were ratfucked to make them presidents for life, you are going to end up with a president for life.
Important to note: If enough states enact voting reform at the local level, you no longer need a constitutional amendment to have voting reform that influences the federal level. If you are looking for real change, this is where it is. It is slow and unsexy, but don’t bitch about your federal vote meaning nothing if you’re not doing anything with your local elections.
Federally, ship has already sailed. I’ll still vote for the lesser evil on local matters, as I like school funding
It always has been, and always will be, voting for the lesser evil. That’s because of the voting system. Single vote, winner take all. Push for ranked choice or some other vote system. Then we can learn if it’s turtles (evil) all the way down.
Then we can learn if it’s turtles (evil) all the way down.
@DeweyOxberger well, as someone who voted to change the electoral system and got what I wanted (the country changed to Mixed Member Proportional voting aka MMP, I can report from the other side…
We have found it’s Winston all the way down.
He’s a populist centrist and a bit of a troll, and he has managed to position himself politically in such a way that waiting for Winston to hammer out deals so we can find out who the government is, is a pretty normal here.
We’re waiting right now for him in fact. The party with the most votes can’t govern without him.
It’s still way better than FPP though.
Any reasonable electoral system will consistently elect people who represent something close to the average will of all the voters. Sounds like the system is working correctly.
I’m not complaining. I like the system.
But it is a quirk that there have been times when almost half the voters voted for either left or centre left, almost half the voters voted for right or centre right, and then we wait around for weeks while Winston (who only got 6% or whatever) decides which half should get to govern.
Same principle as swing states I guess. It’s just amusing that it’s always the same specific person, especially given his personality.
The great thing about MMP is the proportionality often has a moderating effect. It annoys me when the left are in power (Winston won’t let the Green Party get their way on some things) but it feels like a saving grace when the right wing are in power (Winston will also not let the neoliberal libertarians get their way on some things). So it’s working as intended.
In 2020 I voted 3rd party. No illusion of them winning I just wanted to vote in a way that could help demonstrate to the 2 parties that there’s a important segment of Americans that they’re overlooking.
If a third party gets enough of a percentile where they could decide if Reps or Dems win we might see them adapt to have policies that cater closer to the desires of that third party.
But what’s more important is your local elections. The president is much less important in your life than your governor or mayor is.
imagine how good the world would be if America imported the Australian style Westmister system.
When a third party candidate isn’t some kind of batshit crazy, actually exercises greater ethics, and has a chance in hell of winning.
And “last time” is pretty optimistic.
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😂 You almost got me. I’ll stop voting, too, in the near the future if this shit continues
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Very true. Both parties are just used to their base voting no matter what.