100% it will come out that this that this guys a diddler. It always happens. Just wait and see.
The real money is on if its a pool boy, escorts, or the Gaetz special.
Adderall fueled sex ring/orgies with kinky SM rituals at midnight in orange groves.
how dare you make him sound fun
Target still sells LGBTQIA products? I thought they’d gone full mask-off queerphobic after a few MAGAs said mean words about Target on the internet. I know I won’t shop at Target since like 2021.
waiting for my FBI swat team for having a rainbow strap in my apple watch
I read “rainbow strap” and expected that sentence to go another way
If he’s going after people with horrible agendas that also sexualize children and bomb stock prices, I bet he can’t wait to go after this guy:
“Conservatism consists of exactly one proposition, to wit: There must be in-groups whom the law protects but does not bind, alongside out-groups whom the law binds but does not protect.”
something something free market and free speech and freedom of expression.
If you’re buying your gear at a chain store that damn sure keeps records, buy with cash. Don’t let them associate your credit/debit card data with the purchases. It will take very little effort for the fuckers to track you when they want to.
If you need to hide who you are so much, you should fight it or get out.
You’re stating something that people directly affected already know on a ‘waking up anxious about it’ basis. This may be interpreted as ‘failure to read the room’, ‘ignorance of history on the topic,’ or possibly ‘failure to identify on a human level in the face of minor differences.’ – all treatable, but unhelpful to people who are actively discusssing survival of self or preservation of self expression as a genaral liberty.
tl;dr – you sound like an ignorant or selfish jerk, or a 13 yo who hasn’t had a thought of their own yet. Critical thinking and listening more are usually the cure #recoveredassholesanonymous
also, for Us: running helps least on a social outcome level – better to use temporary evasion tactics and stay close or return to areas familiar enough to play gorilla tag. Duck and run, but also Hold the line.
Thank you. It gets so tiring seeing these people constantly shouting “WhY ARen’t YOu FIGhtinG bAck?” Whenever someone expresses fear about what’s been happening. Oh I don’t know about anyone else, but I’m a little preoccupied wondering how my family and I are going to fucking survive the next four years in the first place.
My wife’s disabled, we’ve got multiple autistic kids, my health isn’t the greatest, I’m trans but luckily I can still play cis. We can only afford to live because my wife gets Social Security Disability, and we have Medicaid and SNAP. All things they’re certainly going to be targeting. Yeah we’ll likely be shielded from some of the worst of this living in a blue state but I’m not sure how much even that’s going to protect us anymore.
Myeah… That sounds like something I’d get angry enough to strike over rather than to put my head down and “survive through it”, but that might be easier for me to say living not in the US.
What part of I care for multiple disabled family members and live in poverty did you miss? Yeah I can totally afford the financial upheaval of a strike or to get arrested or injured protesting. I’m sure my spouse can handle things without me.
I just hope the pseudotumor doesn’t act up and cause her to have a seizure at an unfortunate time. Or maybe it’ll be one of the ones where she temporarily loses a random chunk of her life and she won’t remember who they are or why she’s there that’d be fun.
I think we can both agree you’re quite an exception.
That’s my point though. None of the people who keep commenting these things seem to give any thought to the possibility that the person saying they’re scared might not be able to actively resist. It never seems to be “if you’re able, you could try A, B, C. If not, then X, Y, Z, might help you stay safe.” It always seems to come off as them saying “Oh, you’re scared? Fight back then lol.”
not really that much of an exception. most queer folk deal with bullying trauma, neuro spicyness, and are much more prone to poverty due to work discrimination and shunning by families and neighbors. All of that tends to snowball, and most of us end up with chronic inflamation and/or anxiety disorders. #thebodykeepsthescore pew trust has some useful stats.
Yes, the person with an income who is one of the minorities on Musk’s hit list should totally put themselves at risk of being killed in a protest by trump’s police goons when they have a disabled spouse and autistic kids to care for.
Why don’t you shut up and go protest FOR those who can’t?
I’m not American, and protesting in the Netherlands is not going to do anything. That said, sincerely, if there are things I could do against who’s in power of the US right now, as it’s concerning Russia, Ukraine and possibly the safety of even my country, I’d love to know!
If it makes me seem slightly more credible, I’ve been in a protest against the police’s policy not to defend gay people, even as a straight person. Two gay men were beaten up in Arnhem a few years ago and the police decided to kind of “meh“ it off even if they wouldn’t do this when it concerned straight people. Needless to say thousands protested.
So seeing Americans casually suggest to just shuffle money so that you have less chance of fascists finding you while not doing anything not even trying to vote them out completely shocks me!
being an active ally in your neighborhood helps make sure fascism has no home there, preventing spread. good job. good lane to stay in.
probably good to understand the situation on the ground before pushing advice. i would be frightened to give advice that gets someone killed
unionizing and striking in the u.s. is decimated and barely making a comeback. organizers get raided by the police pretty easily. Protections have been systematically removed in a lot of states systematically by persistant corporate lobbiests.
how does it work were you’re from…?
Not that bad by far. We have laws protecting our rights to peacefully protest even if it does disrupt infrastructure (blocking roads or entrances is the usual form of protest due to this)
I didn’t know protesting could be dangerous in the US; getting arrested and serving a few months in jail for the greater good is one thing but I’ve seen news of US officers straight up killing people they didn’t like (esp. of African descent)
Moving is a privilege many people can’t afford. Those who can often do.
People doing these things still need clothes
That and this are completely unrelated.
Either you’re a bot or a moron.
Well good news for you, many of us are on our way out
deleted by creator
The stock price is falling BECAUSE they ran away from supporting the LGBTQ, and I will continue boycotting them for it.
Asshole republicans.