probably be harder to chew
I keep telling the scientists…humans need teeth and taste buds inside their butthole.
Science: “How do you keep getting in here?”
I’m gonna need you to get a PhD. Write your thesis on this …and hand in your PhD to the board promptly after this.
You’d need to wash your hands.
God would sigh and hand your file to Satan.
Well now I’m just imagining heaven and hell as two different departments in an office environment.
Technically, satan is a prosecutor, god is the judge and Jesus the defense attorney.
But, eh, it’s all just cosplay and your fucked.
there’s a show about this. Your Pretty Face is Going to Hell. hilarious and underrated
Probably taste worse
taste is subjective and i don’t want to exclude our coprophile friends
You’d get medicinal qualities, and a body relaxation, however you wouldn’t get a cerebral high as the THC is not processed in a way that would allow it (when used anally).
Dude. You really trying to have me stick the gummy up my butt?
I thought that’s what the question was asking about? I’m confused.
For science. Yes.
Please report back.
For science!
Do it
my friend, the proper term is
Found Brett Kavanaugh
WOOO all we need is my boy squeeeee and we can make a devil’s triangle this Thursday at 3!
I’ll pencil you in.
Lol squee. If a lawyer in front of the supreme court ever slipped in a sque reference I’d be so happy.
He does beer.
Boof and bake
U won’t
Please report back…
It would take forever to chew
Start pooping out your mouth.
it is possible if you vomit enough, or if you have intestinal obstruction.
I think that you would just end up with a sticky butt hole.
And then you sit on your maids face, and she licks your butthole, and SHE gets high.
Can’t tell if this is new timey advice from a rich person or old timey advice from a gentleman.
Win win.
Yeah cause then you can fire her for drug use and you don’t have to pay any unemployment!
I dunno how far to go with this bit, but … Who tf fires a butthole-licking maid!
It would probably be better if you macerated it. I guess if you did that it would be the stoner version of boofing.
It would be the same as eating it. Possibly stronger, because it wouldn’t be getting broken down by anything in the stomach, it will just straight up be absorbed into your blood stream. Like butt-chugging alcohol.
Would the gummy dissolve in yer ass tho? I feel like it’d just hang out until it was evicted.
Pssshhhh!!! You’re asking US??? I thought YOU’D be the expert here!
Yeah I don’t want to have to actively hold it in for like real hours until I get high
Well, it wouldn’t taste very good, but it would still be effective.
Wouldn’t it have to be closer to a liquid state to be effective?
When you chew it, it will still work.
Never go bud to mouth.
Try it and see.
Assuming you mashed it well and injected it with a baster you might get something off it.
Assuming you make a habit of this, your hygiene may become a bit looser.
And your Thanksgiving turkey will never look at you the same way again.