“Behind this disagreeable theological dispute between eastern and western churches, we gain precious insight into how the premodern mind understood fermentation, and especially what distinguishes it from rot and decay.” https://theconversation.com/a-eucharist-of-sourdough-or-wafer-what-a-thousand-year-old-religious-quarrel-tells-us-about-fermentation-212698 #Christianity #Religion #Theology #Catholic #Orthodox #Church #Eucharist #Fermentation #Bread #Byzantine #Sourdough @religion @theology @christianity

  • firefly@neon.nightbulb.net
    11 months ago

    @religion@a.gup.pe @theology@a.gup.pe @christianity@a.gup.pe

    What I wrote is not a rant. Your response is the rant. What I wrote is a call to the truth. What you wrote is lies. You lied about the nature of my words. Then you lied about the nature and meaning of Paul’s words in the Bible.

    It is no surprise that someone calling himself a goblin would also be a liar. Like father, like son!

    In Romans 8, Paul was not writing about people who worship idols. He was not conveying the message that idolators will not be separated from the love of God.

    Paul was writing about those who worship the true God of Abraham and Jesus, not those who worship the god of Rome. Those who are saved in Jesus and worship the Father of Jesus shall not be separated from His love.

    Or do you believe that bowing to a pagan idol fills you with the love of Jehovah? Do those filled with the Spirit and love of Jehovah teach people to venerate the idols of sun worshipers?

    This information at this web site exposes the mental prison of the false god of Christianity:
