I am a #bibliologer and a #cryptologer. I study the Bible, codes, and ciphers among other things. I enjoy #poetry. I like #neologisms. See top pinned profile post for more info.
If you have a son named Benjamin, they care.
“Haiku is an open-source operating system that specifically targets personal computing. Inspired by the BeOS, Haiku is fast, simple to use, easy to learn and yet very powerful.”
This is genius. ^^^
Analysis of the styles and colors of Venn diagrams by nerds and geeks could be represented in yet another Venn diagram. Somebody call Banach for help.
Exactly as expected!
The meter is an French fascist measurement made by the court jester.
“Since 2019 the metre has been defined as the length of the path travelled by light in vacuum during a time interval of
1/299792458 of a second …” [Wikipedia]
What is wrong with this definition?
The metre claims to be a ‘non-imperial’ basis of measurement.
But the basis of the metre is the imperial or ephemeral second, which is the ultimate imperial measurement. Seconds are an imperial unit. The measurement of time is fundamental to the ruler … get it?
So the arbitrarily devised metre is founded upon the imperial second. Oops. Now why again did you say the metric system is ‘superior’ to the imperial system?
Metric supremacists are fascist rubes who don’t realize they were pwnd by the empire before their rebellion even had a name or gang sign. They wanted to overthrow the king and based their coup on the king’s fundamental unit of regal measurement: time. Oops. This is a case of killing the baby in the cradle.
Imperial units of measurement are based upon things found in nature. The second is a division of the solar and astronomical day. A second is 1/86400th of a day, and is based again on sexigesimal math, which is found EVERYWHERE in nature.
Every good programmer should already know where this is going.
Day: 86400 seconds.
Day: 24 hours.
Hour: 3600 seconds.
Hour: minute squared.
Minute: 60 seconds.
3600 seconds * 24 hours = 86400 seconds.
60 seconds * 60 minutes = 3600 seconds = 1 hour
There is nothing arbitrary about this. The imperial measurement is neatly aligned to solar and astronomical cycles and to the latitudes and longitudes of the earth. In short, the imperial system of measurement had already measured the equatorial and tropical circuits of the earth and the sun’s path over 3000 years ago, and based measurements upon that.
Then along came the metric aristocrats, who pretended this had never been done before, speculated a _false_ circumference of the earth, and came up with a flawed metre based on that false measurement, then changed it decades later to the distance traveled by light in an imperial second, unaware that no constant speed of light has yet been proved conclusively, but only assumed.
Whereas the imperial system is based upon measurements which have been observed unchanged, verifiable, and reproducible, FOR THOUSANDS OF YEARS.
Tell me again why the metric system is, ‘superior’?
The metre is merely a speculation and the so-called speed of light has NOT been conclusively proven, considering special relativity and all that other aristocratic bollocks. Also complicating the matter is the specific definition of, “light traveling in a vacuum.” OK, sparky, how are you going to locate a laboratory in a vacuum at least 1 light second in length to conduct this experimental measurement and prove it?
This fallacy is called an ‘unfalsifiable’ claim. Yup, The metric system is based upon a pseudo-scientific conjecture and fallacy. Whereas the imperial system is based upon thousands of years of repeatable observation. And yet ‘scientists’ somehow are confused about the reality of the situation.
As I’ve said elsewhere, worldwide science and academia have been growing progressively more delusional for the past couple of centuries.
In the end the aristocrats will bow to the king they hate. Thank God Americans have refused to bow to this dumb idol. Stay strong Murrikanz.
Here’s a shout out to the limeys who still weigh in stones! Long live the king’s foot!
The metric system is fascist. It was invented by aristocratic elitist control freaks. It is arbitrary and totalitarian.
“The colorfulness and descriptiveness of the imperial system is due to the fact that it is rooted in imagery and analogies that make intuitive sense.”
I’ll save my own rant until after I’ve seen the zombies froth.
@religion@a.gup.pe @theology@a.gup.pe @christianity@a.gup.pe
What I wrote is not a rant. Your response is the rant. What I wrote is a call to the truth. What you wrote is lies. You lied about the nature of my words. Then you lied about the nature and meaning of Paul’s words in the Bible.
It is no surprise that someone calling himself a goblin would also be a liar. Like father, like son!
In Romans 8, Paul was not writing about people who worship idols. He was not conveying the message that idolators will not be separated from the love of God.
Paul was writing about those who worship the true God of Abraham and Jesus, not those who worship the god of Rome. Those who are saved in Jesus and worship the Father of Jesus shall not be separated from His love.
Or do you believe that bowing to a pagan idol fills you with the love of Jehovah? Do those filled with the Spirit and love of Jehovah teach people to venerate the idols of sun worshipers?
This information at this web site exposes the mental prison of the false god of Christianity:
No, you once again are playing the smug, snide troll just insinuating your cult speak nonsense. I explained the true motives behind censorship, as opposed to the pretexts supplied by the liars. My point was that these people are liars who play mind games and wordsmithing games, just like you are doing. You are a false accuser and a slanderer trying to pump his preconceived cult notions. Your arguments are banal, childish, and simple-minded.
Don’t bother responding. I won’t see it. The next time you nymshift to harass me I will immediately block you and report you to the system administrator. Quit following me around the Internet, creepy stalker kook.
@bibliolater@qoto.org @religion@a.gup.pe @theology@a.gup.pe @christianity@a.gup.pe
“… the new testament clearly sets Easter in a traditional context with pessach …”
The New Testament says no such thing. Easter is a pagan holy day that merely coincides with the unleavened bread in some years. Easter is a very ancient rite of the solar worship cults. And the New Covenant commands no observance of any holy days, and in fact states as a commandment not to burden any brother to observe any holy day or feast:
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Let not him that eateth despise him that eateth not; and let not him which eateth not judge him that eateth: for God hath received him.
Who art thou that judgest another man’s servant? to his own master he standeth or falleth. Yea, he shall be holden up: for God is able to make him stand […]
One man esteemeth one day above another: another esteemeth every day alike. Let every man be fully persuaded in his own mind.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - (Romans 14)
Easter is the holy day of idolators. The New Covenant says we are not to regard the holy days of idols. The Apostles warn us repeatedly to abstain from idolatry and, ‘flee fornication’ which means spiritual fornication with false gods. The New Covenant says that whether or not one wishes to regard the holy days of Moses is a personal matter and one should not be judged on account of this, since the law of Moses is passing away and giving way to a new law of the Spirit rather than the letter.
The Church lies about Easter. The Bible itself tells us all about Easter. It is the worship of the god-man Tammuz AKA Horus, and his Mother Ishtar, AKA Isis.
Easter has NOTHING to do with passover. That is just a lie told by the apostate church religion. It merely coincides with Passover in some years. Rome has tried to change the calendar to try to make the various days of Easter and Passover coincide as much as possible:
“And he shall speak great words against the most High, and shall wear out the saints of the most High, and think to change times and laws: and they shall be given into his hand until a time and times and the dividing of time.”
“… change times and laws …”
Ezekiel chapter eight prophesied this idolatry of the Church:
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
"Then he brought me to the door of the gate of the LORD’s house which was toward the north; and, behold, there sat women weeping for Tammuz.
Then said he unto me, Hast thou seen this, O son of man? turn thee yet again, and thou shalt see greater abominations than these.
And he brought me into the inner court of the LORD’s house, and, behold, at the door of the temple of the LORD, between the porch and the altar, were about five and twenty men, with their backs toward the temple of the LORD, and their faces toward the east; and they worshipped the sun toward the east.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
“… they worshipped the sun toward the east …”
That is your Easter sunrise service right there. This is the truth about the Easter sunrise Mass. It is idolatry, and God hates it, and God calls it an abomination.
To see what the Bible says about Easter, and how the Church is lying to you, read this article:
Easter is Devil Worship. Easter is a Celebration of the Anti-Christ.
The Christian Church is Mystery Babylon. “Come out of her, my people …”
#Easter #Passover #Church #Bible #Religion #Jesus #Christianity #LeaveTheChurch #FleeBabylon #ComeOutofHerMyPeople #EasterIdolatry
If there is no such thing as a hive mind then how do you know that, ‘nobody likes’ me? Either you surveyed everyone alive, or you telepathically intuited this grand revelation.
Your comment is some 3rd-grade level, witless name-calling. Take your pre-pubescent frustrations to your guidance counselor.
No. You are not clarifying. You are insinuating and muddying the water. My comment is about hypocrisy and vague rules made by hypocrites, rules designed to hide the real motives for censorship. They hide their real motives for censorship behind fake tropes and social signalling objectives. It doesn’t matter if it is X, Facebook, Mastodon, or any other platform. A huge chunk of the moderators of such platforms are criminally insane and are only interested in suppressing speech based upon partisan objectives rather than objective reality or objective morality or objective civility. Basically it is gangs competing for power in the mindshare space and that power is enforced through acceptable speech policies that have nothing to do with civility and everything to do with compliance and obedience to the gang.
Their acts of censorship and the fake motives they give expose their true character as fundamentally orwellian and dishonest.
A person who is orwellian and anti-goldstein would not understand. A totalitarian never thinks of himself as a totalitarian. He is a hero and genius in his own mind. Gangbangers think their gangs are in a war with, ‘the man’ and the same goes for politcos.
> “… let you screech anything you want …”
They are the ones screeching. Even their nebulous and inconsistent censorship rules are a screech. Almost everything they say in public is screeching. And if you don’t screech with them, you are the one who gets muzzled. If you screech with them, you’re a ‘freedom fighter’ or ‘warrior’ or ‘hero’ or ‘virtuous’ or ‘patriotic’ or a ‘true OG’ or whatever.
‘generally accepted’ and ‘consensus’ prove absolutely nothing. Science is not a democracy. And Wikipedia is not science.
The historical record proves much about where the theory of evolution really originated, thousands of years before Charles Darwin: racial supremacist, human sacrifice cults. I’ll say more on that later, but first I will lay some groundwork on what evolution is really about: power.
Like I said elsewhere, modern so-called scientists have more in common with social media influencers and youtube grifters than they do with real scientists.
Paleontology is a pseudo-science cooked up by evolutionists to ‘prove’ their religion of evolution. In future ages paleontology will be viewed with the same disdain as phrenology and racial hygiene and other things cooked up by evolutionist apparatchiks and their brainwashee parrots.
And who relies on Wikipedia as ‘scientific’ proof? Seriously?
Have you ever even done a real scientific experiment where you actually falsify or verify claims? Isn’t it interesting that everything paleontologists present is unfalsifiable and unverifiable because you’re not allowed to examine the physical evidence and are required to take their word for it? Unverifiable claims violate common sense and the scientific method.
The goal of your rulers is to convert everyone to their evolutionary religion so they can remain in power and so that no one dare question their authority.
“Away, therefore, with all the scientific moonshine that would connect men with monkeys; that would have the world believe that humanity, instead of resting on its own characteristic pedestal — gloriously independent — is a sort of sliding scale, making one extreme brother to the ourangou-tang, and the other to angels, and all the rest intermediates!” ~ Frederick Douglass
“Evolution” was a religious cult in ancient Greece and Rome. It did not originate with Charles Darwin as the evolutionist apparatchiks have taught in the past cenury. Evolution was a religious doctrine of Darwin’s grandfather, Erasmus Darwin, who was an occultist. Erasmus Darwin wrote religious poetry about his evolution belief, which is the same as the ancient evolutionary religion of the ancient Greek gnostics.
And almost 2000 years ago in the Greek and Roman civilization the believers in evolution practiced human sacrifice and witchcraft. Their great grandchildren live among us today and concocted the modern theory of evolution to convert Christians to their religion. The ancient Greeks called their evolution religion, ‘gnosis’ or ‘knowledge’ or ‘science.’ The Apostles warned us almost 20 centuries ago about their so-called science:
“O Timothy, keep that which is committed to thy trust, avoiding profane and vain babblings, and oppositions of science falsely so called:” (1 Timothy 6)
The ancient evolutionists were racial supremacists. It is no wonder that modern evolutionists who promoted Darwin’s books were also racial supremacists. That is the core of their religion, a ‘master race’ from a ‘divine bloodline’ that is to rule over all the ‘inferior races.’ That is the origin of the theory of evolution. It’s religious nonsense from an ancient racist death cult.
Modern evolutionary paleontology is from the same source. It is a religion dressed up as science by grifters, compromisers, nitwits, rubes, and brainwashees to convert people to their religion under the rubric of ‘science’. It is a criminally insane assault on the intellects of young children and students. It is a slave’s anthem for a fascist society ruled by a supremacist cult. That’s what it was 2500 years ago, and that’s what evolution remains today.
More history of the matter is shown here:
Those who Manufacture Your Beliefs are Your Rulers: Evolution is Ancient Devil Worship Dressed up for Today
Difference between Bloods and Crips … or Mexican cartel vs. Columbian cartel.
Welcome to Mastodon and the fediverse. If you don’t agree with the hive-mind ‘consensus’ then your speech is a ‘violation’ of some ambiguous ‘policy’ and must be censored. They will always invent spurious reasons for censoring things they hate, such as, ‘misinformation’ or ‘hate’ or ‘square dancing in a round room.’ This is how psychotic bolsheviks lord their power over others.
@JorisMeys@mstdn.social @academicchatter@a.gup.pe
I think back to these hoaxes, which con-artists invented to convince people that evolution is real:
Piltdown Man
And other “scientific” hoaxes which will get me banned from the soviet-controlled, fedposter-infested, censorship-friendly fediverse if I even name them …
Publish or perish …?
If anything perhaps everyone involved should sue the train manufacturer for bricking the train with their DRM nonsense.
“Dragon Sector” is an OG name for a hacker firm.
“we discovered a ‘workshop-detection’ system built into the train software, which bricked the trains after some conditions were met (two of the trains even used a list of precise GPS coordinates of competitors’ workshops).”
That is an anti-trust violation du jure. I wonder what kind of anti-trust laws Poland has.
musk is one of the richest man alive, why does he need subsidies to do his job??
Socialism for the rich, capitalism for the poor. Next question …
Yes, it does impart a sense of gravity to otherwise mundane chatter. The only thing missing is letterhead with a monogram.
For some reason I don’t yet understand, my fediverse server inserts the CC in some replies and I forgot to catch it. I haven’t had time to analyze the rooster’s guts yet.
They could just make magnetic connectors with a shallow socket. But those would last longer and you wouldn’t need to keep buying new stuff.
CC: @Petter1@lemm.ee
Is there a Debian package or a Debian build script for Marknote?