“I feel much freer now that I am certain the pope is Antichrist.”
Martin Luther
Father of the Christian Reformation
October 11, 1520
“We firmly believe here that the Papacy is the personification of Antichrist’s throne, and feel we are justified in resisting their deceptions and wiles for the sake of the salvation of souls. I declare that I only owe the Pope the obedience due to Antichrist.”
“From my heart I hate that man of sin and son of perdition, with all his kingdom, which is nothing but sin and hypocrisy.”
Martin Luther
Expositor of the True Christian Faith
August 18, 1520
“Eck and Emser opened my eyes as to the Pope’s sovereignty; for although at first I maintained his right to the human title, I now see that the Papacy is the kingdom of Babylon, and the tyranny of Nimrod, the mighty hunter.”
Martin Luther
Fearless Opponent of the Papal Seat Antichrist
October 6, 1520
Antichrist has been on earth for 1500 years! Wake up! The Church is the Kingdom of darkness. “Come out of her, my people!”
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