Why? I generally find it pretty easy to avoid unhappiness, and if I’m building bases in different biomes for the pylon network, it’s just a bunch of free discounts.
It goes against my personal lore where the merchant loves to live in the jungle and everybody else loves to live in a massive eclectic cohousing project
I hate NPC happiness, worst mechanic since bad torch luck and honestly actually worse than bad torch luck
Why? I generally find it pretty easy to avoid unhappiness, and if I’m building bases in different biomes for the pylon network, it’s just a bunch of free discounts.
It goes against my personal lore where the merchant loves to live in the jungle and everybody else loves to live in a massive eclectic cohousing project
My fisherman lives in hell because he never gives me the one item I need to finish the cell phone
What’s this about?
Terraria, NPC happiness was one of the things added in the
lastmost recent major updateI kinda like it, makes me expand my base to other biomes and pylons network is nice reward for my efforts