is the first example, where Call Me Leni/Lenny/Shinigamiookamiryuu posted a link to Twitter, and someone responded with “ew, Xitter Link”.
Call Me Leni/Lenny/Shinigamiookamiryuu replied with “Who is Xitter Link”? and it was explained that the owner of Twitter is a Nazi, to which Call Me Leni/Lenny/Shinigamiookamiryuu responded with “The whole salute thing has been debunked though.” Call Me Leni/Lenny/Shinigamiookamiryuu locked the thread after members replied to the statement of the salute being debunked.
29 days ago, someone made a thread on a Support community on and this prompted Call Me Leni/Lenny/Shinigamiookamiryuu to do what other users perceived as doubling down:
Further into the comments, members accused Call Me Leni/Lenny/Shinigamiookamiryuu of “sealioning”:
I never offended in the first place though. I have a completely clean record crime-wise, save for trips to the psych ward (they record those where I live, and my psych ward mugshot is still on display on the databases). The things I’ve said and done have been screened by people of all levels of power and I have always come out clean, be it in prosecutions or lawsuits. It’s the regular people who don’t see things that way. That’s what I mean by “my mistakes”, and I don’t stand by how it came off, and have made all amends I need to make. Yet I could theoretically spay myself and still be targeted for this, because it’s all about the grudge to some people.