Konservativ ≠ Rechts. Merkel ist mMn. der SPD näher als der AfD. Die AfD ist rechts, zumindest teilweise rechtsextrem, während die CDU größtenteils Konservativ ist. Va. während Merkels Parteivorsitz.
Konservativ ≠ Rechts. Merkel ist mMn. der SPD näher als der AfD. Die AfD ist rechts, zumindest teilweise rechtsextrem, während die CDU größtenteils Konservativ ist. Va. während Merkels Parteivorsitz.
Die Lösung wären Sensoren an der Ampel, die Verkehrsteilnehmer erkennen. Falls nur an einer Seite Verkehrsteilnehmer sind, könnte zügig umgeschaltet werden.
Ja. Der Real-o-Mat ist ein guter Realitätscheck zusätzlich zum Wahl-o-mat.
Gleichzeitig haben bei mir die Parteien bei beiden ähnlich abgeschnitten.
Ich gehe davon aus, dass die FDP durch ihre Regierungsbeteiligung bei vielen Abstimmungen gleich wie Grüne und SPD abgestimmt haben. Selbst wenn sie bei alleiniger Entscheidung leicht anders entschieden hätten. Das gilt natürlich auch für SPD und Grüne.
Nicht alle Waldorfschüler und deren Eltern sind Schwurbler. Ich kenne in meinem Bekanntenkreis genug (ehemalige) Waldorfschüler/deren Eltern, die keinen besonderen Hang zu Blödsinn aufweisen.
Gerade die Sympathisanten sind nicht durch absolute Ablehnungshaltungen zu überzeugen. Zumindest die, mit denen ich bisher Kontakt hatte, ließen mit sich reden.
Taxes aren’t collected for a specific purpose. Any tax can be used for any purpose a state sees fit (e.g. income tax may be used for infrastructure, schools or defense).
The “Rundfunkbeitrag” is a purpose-bound fee which can only be used for the public service broadcasting.
Edit: It’s a mandatory fee like you’re forced to pay for waste disposal. Not a tax.
There’s a few german torrent sites with open applications.
Good point. I’ll have to stop using immutable and stay with atomic (and declarative).
Interestingly /bin
and /usr/bin
are not in PATH by default, so /bin/chewy
can only be executed by its path directly and won’t affect the systems reliability.
Fully agreed. On almost any atomic distro, /home/user is writeable like usual, so any attacker is able to persist itself by editing ~/.bashrc
and putting a binary somewhere.
NixOS is immutable and atomic, but it isn’t image-based.
Immutable simply refers to how the running system configuration can’t be changed by simply putting a file somewhere (e.g. copy a binary to /bin
, which is a bad idea).
For example, Fedora Atomic and derivatives are image based, although they are more flexible than the A/B types like SteamOS.
OpenSUSE MicroOS uses btrfs snapshots to apply updates atomically, and is more flexible than most image based immutable distros.
Edit: But I don’t think those terms have a single definition, so how would you differentiate these terms?
MPV also supports pipewire.
For no particular reason, except for btrfs taking up less RAM. I don’t know their specs, but the lack of RAM was my reason for deciding against btrfs for my large non-mirrored HDD.
I personally really like btrfs for my large media HDD because it makes copying large files an instantaneous operation.
Also, it’s useful to have 6 hourly snapshots in case *arr upgrades something or anything else happens (btrbk).
It’s not necessary almost any time, but the times I needed it a CoW FS with snapshots came in handy.
Edit: Also, btrfs does check summing, so it’s possible to detect bit rot.
Because YouTube pays Louis Rossmann, compared to selfhosting video which costs tremendous amounts of money through bandwidth.
Yes, ~/.local/share/flatpak
includes all user installed flatpaks, while /var/lib/flatpak
includes all system wide installed flatpaks. Both include repository information and required runtimes (i.e. dependencies).
This does not include user data, which is stored in ~/.var/app
Make sure to test your backup just in case on another system/VM.
Thanks to image-based distros like Fedora Atomic, I skipped the asking to update step. They download and apply updates in the background, and then the new image gets selected on next boot.
Given Fedora doesn’t do major changes in point releases, nothing breaks (until I do a manual upgrade to a new (half-)yearly major release).
Not having a terminal does not make sense (unless in a business context). For some people (my mum) it’s as if it doesn’t exist anyway, so why remove it.
I remember taking my first selfhosting/Linux steps a year or so after the launch of Let’s Encrypt with a Pi 3. At the time, most tutorials didn’t set up https at all, and if they did, they were self signed certificates (resulting in browser warnings).
Self-signed certificates are annoying and creating them was a series of copy pasting long, weird commands, usually using long exspiration dates (manual renewing sucks).
Not long after, guides started recommending certbot. Nowadays reverse proxys like caddy set up TLS automatically.
At least that’s how I remember it, given my complete lack of knowledge about Linux at the time.
Yes, the restriction to a single VPN client is annoying.
Blocking ad/telemetry domains can be done by adding Adguards DNS servers in the OS settings. Sadly blocking apps Internet permissions completely is not possible (except on OS like LineageOS, CalyxOS or GrapheneOS).
Symphonium is a great Android music player which connects to a Subsonic or Jellyfin server (or any other protocol like SMB).
Navidrome is a music server which implements the Subsonic protocol. This means apps like Symphonium can connect to it.
Any old PC is enough, even a Raspberry Pi is fast enough for a music server.
Anything more like SSL (https) and a domain is optional for getting it working, and only a benefit if used outside of your home network. Using Tailscale makes a domain/SSL unnecessary and also no longer needs messing around with networking (e.g. no opening ports on the router).
Another problem with BTC is the extremely high transfer costs. Donating XMR directly makes smaller donations viable, while BTC is only attractive for large donors.