Keeping your money out of the AI grift was a good idea but doesn’t deep seek imply that powerful AI is coming even faster and cheaper than what was already being promised?
Keeping your money out of the AI grift was a good idea but doesn’t deep seek imply that powerful AI is coming even faster and cheaper than what was already being promised?
In theory they can, but when a trump backed federal government and law enforcement is breathing down their neck with implicit threats of court cases and funding cuts I wonder if a lot of places will want to do anything.
I keep telling my parole officer this but he won’t listen.
I see you and raise you a shitting desk. I just take laxatives all day and I’m skinny as a rail!
Like what?
I don’t know history too well but that time period gives the vibe of being right around when the plague happened.
I mean look at it from their perspective: either there is a war with China, in which case you’re fucked so many more ways than whatever data tiktok has collected. Or you’re one of a billion with compromised data. What are the Chinese going to do? Pick you in your service industry job to blackmail for no reason? Even if they were doing that the chances of it being a you are one in a million. Advertise more directly to you? The fact is no one cares.
The desire for privacy is either necessary to a very small percentage of the population or just an icky feeling with no discernable consequences. (Even if you list me irl consequences for the Chinese taking your data, I can guarantee you it doesn’t end up affecting the majority of people’s lives in a noticeable way.)
Reminds me of the logo of a certain community college…
Community saw this as a potential note and agreed that it isn’t provably true and doesn’t contribute to the post. Rejected and it won’t be shown.
If you think this method doesn’t work I have an entire Wikipedia to show you.
Open ai going for-profit will be funny/terrifying to see. They can’t even break even right now. Even if they try to sell AI powered advertising or something it will be so stupidly expensive for them.
41 tb?? What are you doing? Recording a lossless video of a 24/7 live stream?
Is there any chance that the terrorism charge is so ridiculous that it actually strengthens Luigi’s case and makes his defense better?
For him it’s not the fact that he’s fat, but the absolute tragedy of a personality that excuses themselves shoveling food into his gullet. Cause you just know that in his own head he thinks he could still kick anyone’s ass.
Most people aren’t fat for that reason and being fat isn’t a reason to make fun. But Steven Segal’s pathology makes him being fat a little funny.
1891??? You’re grasping at straws and ignoring my comments.
He acknowledges that work in the writing, saying that there are others that who had laid out the arguments about class conflict better than him. The “facing it with brutal honesty” he was referring to was shooting a CEO in the street. Not writing anarchist newspapers and starting leftist collectives. And again, his perspective is clearly from the last decade or two when this kind of action is happening even less in the U.S.
1920? A horse drawn carriage bomb lol. Surely and clearly he was talking about modern day. Dudes 26, been remotely conscious for like 15 years maybe, people have grown complacent.
I don’t think it is a subcategory I think it’s the term you’re looking for.
The actual phrase has its origins in a financial sense but the way it’s used nowadays is much more broad. You can invest time, money, emotion, identity etc and it’s still the “sunk cost fallacy” if it keeps failing and you keep going.
Plastic lasts thousands of years, most of it lasts tens of thousands of years but blue plastic singlehandedly brings down the average.